Yayınlanacağı yer Germany - Siyasi tartışmalar ve analiz - 06 Jan 2017 03:39 - 31
I ve been elected by people of Germany as CP I have heard some people talking about we led out country to destruction and we are hated by people of the e world I disagree with that lies I m proud that 2 great nations of these game Iran and Turkey has set NE on us for months we have fought and kept militay module alive we will not surrender we wont give up as a humble German citizen I wont allow that happen we will fight and die with honor game for us is not gold and regions anyone thinks like that has no place in Germany
Germany is not a country it is an Idea of a multicultural multinational fighting country
cowards who only think about their personal interests have no place in this Idea well I m thank full for whoever stayed and fought alongside us all these times even if he is not in Germany or game anymore and I don't mean them everyone has a limit and I do respect that we are fre fighters without ego and we have gained respect of all free world we have made many friends and enemies I respect all of them at the end I want to draw your attention to this song this is motto of our people
hail all free people of free world
Signed by a humble E German Player
Germany is not a country it is an Idea of a multicultural multinational fighting country
cowards who only think about their personal interests have no place in this Idea well I m thank full for whoever stayed and fought alongside us all these times even if he is not in Germany or game anymore and I don't mean them everyone has a limit and I do respect that we are fre fighters without ego and we have gained respect of all free world we have made many friends and enemies I respect all of them at the end I want to draw your attention to this song this is motto of our people
hail all free people of free world
Signed by a humble E German Player
G 4 M p3trOs V E RvoozjungrimGiovanno69Sultan Haydar BasKobllaTovarDanteTsiloLieutenant DildoCamel SoftYorumlar (31)



fully respect to players in weak at this moment. we need to make better game. I hope players in powerful side will share our real mind..it s not from meanless hatred.

Salute o7

I prefer this version

I respect your choice, Kaveh and the same choice of other players who stay in Germany and continue to lose every war. I don t respect those who left the country and continue to support you, although they enjoy benefits of other countries in the own production. After all, I feel sorry for Germany, and every real German player who start to play the game, because you ruin his first choice, EGermany. I am so sorry, because I don t share your values, and your suicidal way of playing. True patriotism is not to die for the country, it s to LIVE for a country. Players who built Germany has right to be proud because of this, and those which ruined the country with their arrogance and enormous egoism should be ashamed. EGermany now is just a shadow of former country, a group of several corrupted players with their multi accounts. Only way to rebuild EGermany again is see you abandoning this country with all yours fake accounts and let some new players to try to create a new society. This will be a prof of your true love to EGermany!

@levi we did it our way I did it my way I have no more words for you

Frank approves o7

Kaveh, you are cruying and trolling all the time. Why, if you are satisfied with your role in the game? For me, and my pragmatic point of view, you are playing wrong, acting like a bunch of spoiled kids when then lose their toys.
Try to understand, you was just a group of average players, facing an extraordinary player Kinyas, with his excellent organised group of players. You don t understand mechanics of wars, true strategist win the wars before they even started. How successful Kinyas was, he even brake the game and forced Admins to radically change the rules of the game in the coming update. Don t be angry because of this, I am ready to admit success even if it is my enemy, and Kinyas certainly is not. After all, find a responsible player among you and let him sign the NAP, Germany could be powerful again in approximately 6 month, if you do the right things. Not to forget, Peaky, I will not candidate myself for this function, I will never make again playground for a rich spoiled boys, which knows only to troll and ruin efforts of other players. And spend some money, ofc, this is a reason why they are so adorable for Admins ;-)

Please Shisui, dont lick anymore Kinyass (my damn keybord, always putting 2x s , you know about whick plyaer I am talking. BTW, admins earned a lot of money from my account, you see I am VISA player also

since when writing articles and making comments are crying and about trolling it is a natural part of any game if it doesn t turn to insults which mods admins draw the border of it I respect Kynias as enemy and his strategies about any change in game it is their game their rules and I m surprised how you know about changes in updates that we don t know even know them and how they were against them and how they are now for them and most important how you know about all of these?? game experience?? for you personally in the past I valued you but now dont think I dont know what you are doing decreasing morale of my people with your propaganda will not work as long as I am here about signing nap you have been in Germany and you know we decide altogether and strong majority are against nap well if ktab is an average player what kind of player we can count you??fleeing from one country to another??

Good luck, and don t forget to have FUN! 

@TovarDante good luck to you and we are trying to have fun 

Towar we have vacations

Hail Hitler! oh I mean Hail Kaveh 


Goodluck Hail Free People Hail Free Cyprus o7

You should gratitude Nime, because he erased my last article and exclude me from the game although I didn t broke the rules. Now is forbidden even to criticise attitude and approach of the players in Germany. Cheers! Now I have to publish an article about this.

Levi, was the same Kinyas, who stayed deleted from Croatia for so long time, untill Ukraine decidet to leave the alliance? That great strategist. I mean give me all strong countries, and then you can do your strategy.

@levi, I reported you, kisses from eGermany

@Levi- if you didnt see from start, cp who was in eGermany from 1st day he declar war to vea or how ewr you allie call yourself


I am honoured, how popular I am in Germany :-)
@DalmatsS I don t know who was a leader of Turkey, this days. Must ask Kinsc. Even if Kinyas was a leader, and even if he lose this war, he successfully reorganised his country and transform a lost country in to the superpower. If this is a case, he deserve even greater respect. @ Peaky, why now? Maybe you guess that I am responsible for murder of president JF Kennedy? [Nime, this is a joke, there is no need for another exclude from the game] @ zexsy, please use your native language, I totally fail to understand your comment :-( Please say hallo to Fric and DejanNK ;-)

@levi, yep ypu are very popular in eGermany, before our players go to sleep, we are telling them stories of wannabe spin master Shisui and how we kick him from Germany 

Germany has players? :-0 I am surprised... So you claim that you you kick Shisui out of Germany, and your CP accuse him that he run away from Germany. Next time, if you try to lie, at least synchronise your stories ;-)

Yep I kicked him and he run away and never look at Germany when he run. That day was, run shisui, run......

I know a real story. Germany betrayed Ukraine and this was a reason why he left Germany. But you don t like a true, don t you Peaky. Defending capital of Ukraine with Hospital was not your priority, but fighting for Serbia against Albania, in meaningless battle was? This is the example why you should left Germany, your heritage is heavy. But, let us see, does new Germany need your funny story and full time insulting of leaders of the most powerful countries in the game, or they have strength to start something new. PS. Is Agoria tired of multiplayer game? PS 2 Don t worry, nobody trust you anymore.