Yayınlanacağı yer France - Siyasi tartışmalar ve analiz - 07 Feb 2017 11:53 - 11
ConnenNeuteLoving Pabl0LeFrancaisYorumlar (11)
lol france shame on you. 5v1 toward albania and you call it success . france had some honor and i respected it for it. France was a good enemy for everyone but now meh just cro puppet. someone made an alliance called delos to make france fighter believe that they arent in same alliance or part with serbia
A herceg and this is a member of VV who say that... lol ♥
Votay! Les deux derniers paragraphes de la version anglaise sont en français =p
ah oui exact j ai oublié de les supprimmer ^^. Ils sont bien traduits mais pour avoir la vesrion française sous les yeux j avais fait un c/c . Pardon pour le raté