Yayınlanacağı yer Iran - Sosyal etkileşim ve eğlence - 20 Feb 2017 10:03 - 13

haftvudTyraelBelegurTadasepoyKaveharkopadPanzer AceLast EndAce EconomistrezaalonesorkhpostYorumlar (13)


07 عالی

If you tried to make France look purple it didnt work too well for you
And when is this new future, next year or?

خیلی هم عالی عالی

Ahah gl

just a dream

Fail France. Poor France. http://prnt.sc/eb7tvf

The last time we lost Paris, our enemy quickly returned home and never again became as powerful as before. Think about that :p

@arkopad lol really?

Remember Serbia 

in the near future paris is iranian but dublin is still france :,)

@arkopad remember Ukraine and Germany

@arkopad remember Ukraine and Hungary and Croatia and Germany