Yayınlanacağı yer Turkey - Siyasi tartışmalar ve analiz - 27 Feb 2017 06:43 - 1

Why do you play this game? Let me answer it for myself... to satisfy my ego. And i think many people who is a big player here actually only plays for the feeling of being an important person... creating an alter ego for theirselves which is became what they actually desire in their RL.
And you know... the game gets really boring when you reach all your desires. Like being a president, causing some great , declearing wars, dealing a tone of damage, stealing from country, fail in wars and end up in a wreckage... huh, that makes the game really boring man...
For example we need a real to fight for.

So, think of a stuff like this... wouldn't be the game more funnier? I mean... real fun duuuudee.

Bonus... cCc Türkiye cCc
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