
Yayınlanacağı yer Switzerland - eRevollution da ilk adımlar - 13 Mar 2017 13:38 - 24

We have nothing to fight for, what is worse nothing to surrender for, so comes the question: why should we stay?

The problem is the following: the economy module is so simple yet you forget to implement two important real life features:
-small countries should be good on their own; with 10 citizens(or companies) and 1000 citizens(or companies) you must face different needs of raw materials.
-great empires should have something they can get only from each other; the biggest countries should be encouraged to fight each other (and not with simple nonsense rules like 6MPP or 10 membered alliances).

Please make major conceptual changes, otherwise this game will be replaced by other games of this genre. Forget all the pink training grounds. You must act now. Noone will stay because of the glimmering style of medals.

The current situation is against the gameplay: we can not win against VV (forget all the damage percentages, they dont have to hit as hard as they can, only need to hit more then the rest of the World. and they do that, with one hand.), so we can not think about economy growth/conquests without joining them. The VV members are happy with their Farmville, but they lack the goals, the challenges, even the decades old transport tycoon are more fun than what i think they have here.


schonikHuMaViKatinPew PewNightwatcherHUNCacique TerepaimaAvarusHusina komsinicaEscooImreHaraggiovinco10fakirNikola RSminekraczek32

Yorumlar (24)

Well I tell you I make my own game. I know i fight vs Wind mils, but at lest I am creating an epic story like Don Kihot Laugh Hail Slovenia Laugh
Ignore VV and play game with other alliances. Wow. Mind = Blown.
Hardly voted!!!
My country is in VV and I dont like the way the game goes right now. Been a long time since we had a good challenge.
Gold for wars winners according the size of the enemy. O/
Boost +50% the RW fighters. Simple solution.
Idea #1 Boost damage in Rws =(while a región is conquered, citizens Will increase their damage at 5% boost each 5 days, capped to 30% damage if region was Being hold less than 31 days in a row. If it was more than 31 days the cap límit Will set at 50% giving them 10% each 10 days ( 41 days they will have 40%. 50 days = 50% With this countries conquered Will can have more chances to get their regions.
Then we can all move in small countries and with same nr of helis will do a lot more dmg and get more gold and keep farming like this. Brilliant.
Vote. And FueGox+1
+1 FueGox
Fuegox, your solution is er.ep solution and its not working there....
voted Smile we need all kinds of method to make game better.
if you want to boost rw, solution is simple, boost the RW medals!
redo map, each active country from 6-9 regions, no more, no less. And dead countries 1-3 regions. That will bring some balance in game with no country in game having 5-10 times map advantage over others, and fun will be back and fighting for resources will be intense and not simple farming.
and dont forget that on 70 euro i can buy Resident Evil and enjoy it much better than 400 gold of erev. LOL also dont forget that minimum salary in countries like Ukraine is about 27 euro.
^^^Kami Neko^^^ CORRECT.
don t blame admins because the strongest nations choose to work together. simple solution, VV members need to want a challenge and split up into smaller groups that will actually fight one another. its the players that have made this game into the way it is, not the admins.
Kami Neko, 27 euro? lol what?)
@ItsColour: it is not likethat. rules are made by admins, and if the rules motivate to behave like this, we will always behave like this. rules must be changed to get a different behaviour, probably most of the smart guys would behave like VV do. they are not evil,just playing the game. there is no reward in turning against your friends... yet. i wouldbe happy to see vv is still not dissolved by rules like these, however with the current ones, game will die soon.
@rothbart people have been saying games going to die soon for like 8 months...
What is the difference between open letter and closed letter?