Yayınlanacağı yer Greece - eRevollution da ilk adımlar - 17 Mar 2017 06:38 - 28

Greeks poor at football, poor at economy, poor at online games... :P
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http://prntscr.com/el3qaw lol xd

The power of olympiacos is in bribing the referees hahahahah

And Alexander the Great said : навистина, колку глупаво сме ние? LOL

γατάκι σκοπιανέ κανε νιαου .

well i am eager to see your teams!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH Murican puppet friend

турски мекерета

actually greek teams on football dont are very good, in contrast, all greek teams (2 of them are the best) at euroleague (basket) has 9 euroleagues (cups) and turkey with 4-5 teams has 0 euroleagues... and let me ask u something... has FYRoM any team at least at the Group Phase at Europa League??

@petros2 but hey are VV members

Makedonija zemlja bez istorje bez imena bez crkve bez jezika bez icega.... Da se postuju zakoni na ovom svetu nikada se ne bi ni odvojili jer de jure nisu imali pravo na to... Za razliku od ostalih republika oni su osvojeni....ali zakoni nicemu ne sluze nazalost...

no lifer put again your face in your avatar, it was funny
when you get a european nation s cup come and tell me
if you want to make a nationalist comment you must use the national teams and not those that have 8 foreigners and 3 nationals

greeks are poor on everything

@Panda Killer ...sisaj ga lepoto !!


indijaaa pakistan de je kosovo

lack of interest in game, leads people writing foolish articles

at least we have sirtaki that make you envy as, i don t know any fyromian dance

Count , ενώ απο την ιστορία τους ας πούμε ξερεις Χαχαχαχα

@ktab: +1

The only fyromian dance that i have never seen, is on the pole at some cheap night bar.

better than being poor intellectually.

It is a well known fact that FYROM is a football powerhouse with a vibrant and flourishing economy.

MacedoniaGreece τους μαζεψε ο Τιτο, κάτι βουργαροαλβανόγυφτους και τους είπε: τώρα είστε μακεδόνες και κοιτάζονταν μεταξύ τους
Ε. Tonybe, The sort story of Fyrom

Kromion ta spas

Eipaman kai na min epanaliptomen!
This theias sou tis kalnterimitzous to tamtiriri to aplito!

ATEHTATOPOT fuck your mother

F.Y.R.O.M. = motherfuckers

ATEHTATOPOT your mother is cunt