Yayınlanacağı yer Romania - Finans işleri - 10 Nov 2018 06:41 - 11
With 3*100% bonus
With 2*100% bonus
With 1*100% bonus
- Brazil have 100%: Ship+Food+House
- Romania have 100%:Ship+Wep+Air
Croatia have 100%:Ship+Food+House
With 2*100% bonus
- Germany have 100%:House+Food
With 1*100% bonus
- Georgia have 100%:Wep
Turkey have 100%:Wep
- Serbia have 100%:Wep
- Greece have 100%:Food
homersimpsonDroplexMrBogdanShooT1SophiaPratinoPratinoBunnyLiuBunnyLiuFranckyYorumlar (11)

Brazil still need to build Airbase to complete Ship 100%

Georgia x4 bonuss soon 

good job tanks

Ar fi bine să publici de fiecare data când sunt schimbări... 

Turkey 100 weap

Done thx

where is napgary?

for moment they lose full bonus @DreSanu

Very good. Tnx

In the next article you should add the taxes in each country and that one will be perfect. Good job, anyway.

+ georgia house bonuse