Yayınlanacağı yer Turkey - Siyasi tartışmalar ve analiz - 20 Sep 2019 13:55 - 14
Hello Admins
Too many players not to hit against defense ( q5 def ) İf you change defense system. We will see more war . We will see too much direct war and a lot of players will use their stocks. too many weapons have accumulated in the game.
I published this article before , some players had good suggestions
For Exam
1- DS usage: Put some dmg for defending side instead reducing the attacker s dmg.
2- DS usage : Make that ds count 10k or 20k hits and then it will be destroyed
3- DS usage : ADD more damage defence side ( 10 mil - 20 mil - 30 mil ) be different in land and sea battles
i dont know what is best solutions but we need change this system.
I just want this game to be more fun. İf you are support this idea guys VOTE and share your COMMENT
Too many players not to hit against defense ( q5 def ) İf you change defense system. We will see more war . We will see too much direct war and a lot of players will use their stocks. too many weapons have accumulated in the game.
I published this article before , some players had good suggestions
For Exam
1- DS usage: Put some dmg for defending side instead reducing the attacker s dmg.
2- DS usage : Make that ds count 10k or 20k hits and then it will be destroyed
3- DS usage : ADD more damage defence side ( 10 mil - 20 mil - 30 mil ) be different in land and sea battles
i dont know what is best solutions but we need change this system.
I just want this game to be more fun. İf you are support this idea guys VOTE and share your COMMENT
Khabib NurmagomedovKhabib NurmagomedovKhabib NurmagomedovKhabib NurmagomedovKhabib NurmagomedovKhabib NurmagomedovDerbederDerbederAlitaAlitaAlitaAlitaAlitaAlitaAlitaGomasuGomasuBattal GaziKame SenninA K I N C IIkengaskyfallskyfallskyfallskyfallskyfallskyfallskyfallskyfallskyfallskyfallskyfallkatalinxCaptain HarlockdzinsinisthekrekcQurcikaQurcikaQurcikaQurcikaQurcikaQurcikaQurcikaQurcikaQurcikaQurcikaRaikkonenRaikkonenRaikkonenRaikkonenRaikkonenRaikkonenRaikkonenRaikkonenRaikkonenRaikkonenTHE ONEM U R A TSoraSoraSoraThe Last Lynx PardinusPratinoM U R A TM U R A TM U R A TM U R A TM U R A TM U R A TCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturiondrogandrogandrogandroganMchPyIIFernand0oIIpraetorianus74sonesonebarcelona oleeebarcelona oleeeeRatnik994Kendo Yanarkoumoutsa1xBeoWulfxxBeoWulfxxBeoWulfxxBeoWulfxxBeoWulfxxBeoWulfxxBeoWulfxxBeoWulfxxBeoWulfxxBeoWulfxPampa96VnoMZerosergio665alcalazamora2012alcalazamora2012alcalazamora2012alcalazamora2012alcalazamora2012alcalazamora2012alcalazamora2012alcalazamora2012alcalazamora2012alcalazamora2012chorrillanoGolikaCroMaXorIndonesia FutureIosif74GitaristaLord BurekxtatrxKuekuatsuKuekuatsuKuekuatsuKuekuatsuKuekuatsuKuekuatsuKuekuatsuKuekuatsuKuekuatsuKuekuatsualles99KojouKojouKojouKojouKojouKojouKojouKojouKojouKojouDzojaOhYourGodAndartaVaushiGottfried BouillonGottfried BouillonSt0L3nSt0L3nSt0L3nSt0L3nSt0L3nSt0L3nSt0L3nSt0L3nSt0L3nSt0L3nDavis_MkavalaSOLARSOLARSOLARSOLARSOLARSOLARSOLARSOLARSOLARSOLARolimpiu_valyurban_boyDondarrionPresiqnLo0pinGMartiniusBayintYorumlar (14)

Very good suggestions, would definetly make more fun o7



I like it the way it is now because it is good for small countries

no it is wrong

@ zamael how it is good for small countries? they cannot defend himself with DS5 how they will do it without DS


I think the best way is one. An attacking on a DS does the same damage as without a DS. but 25% will be given for deffence side.
attacking does 100 damage
the defensive side will make 25 damage automatic
attacking side -100 vs defending side 25
therefore, the attacking will use weapons and supplies to attack

Suggestion number 2 is my favourite. Defenders should be able to install another DS after destroying first, (or any other previous DS). This will immediately produce positive effect on production and trading of house raw and DS.

xBeo you should be an admin man. Genius boy. Yeah, right idea. Same damage, different results o7

I think the best way is one. An attacking on a DS does the same damage as without a DS. but 25% will be given for deffence side. example attacking does 100 damage the defensive side will make 25 damage automatic attacking side -100 vs defending side 25. --- THIS IS BRILLIANT IDEA

Option 1 sounds good but the worst idea! This would lead to endless training wars between strong countries! Tamagotscu Mode ON! 

DS should remain in game but people who actually fight against DS should get some benefit fron thay, perhaps some bonus on exp or rank points when shooting on DS.