Yayınlanacağı yer Turkey - Sosyal etkileşim ve eğlence - 02 Oct 2019 11:10 - 64
"Onlar size fenalık etmekten asla geri kalmazlar. Hep sıkıntıya düşmenizi isterler. Onların kinleri konuşmalarından apaçık ortaya çıkmıştır. Kalplerinde gizledikleri ise daha büyüktür. Eğer düşünürseniz size âyetleri açıkladık."
"They wish you would have hardship. Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, and what their breasts conceal is greater. We have certainly made clear to you the signs, if you will use reason."

As we know it's not the reason for being banned from eRevollution if you use bad words about nations, religions, someone's family values and more sensitive stuffs if you are not talking in eRevollution. Okay then, what is it? I am asking to the Christians, is that normal? What is his difference with murder, terrorist in New Zealand, An-Nuur Mosque? What is his difference with racist Adolf Hitler?
This is first part, look here Admins!

I want to ask y'all. Which religion allows to use bad words against to God and His Messengers? Who being happy when they see these stuffs? Did you really forget your mercy guys? Really? Please write that message in all chat and lets make him banned in this game. Can you imagine what would happen if some Muslim use some avatar while writing the hate speech on his avatar? Let me tell you what would happen. Everyone lives with their lies in their life but even they don't know where is the wrong. All Muslims were gonna be like a live bomb for this game. But the realities are not what they shows you in the news and media guys. Islam is not terror religion. Believe or not, Islam is only one religion degree of God. If 2 billion people believes that phenomenon, nobody can't talk bad about some special men for one religion. I hope I was clear.
I have a surprise for Mojo now, focus here baby :)

AlitaAlex IIAlex IIZvonko11KaSVa58zizi2ping2pingamirkingingmiqellukevajomrgummerAlgerian KingAlgerian KingAlgerian Kingpeter klepecGame MasterGame MasterGame MasterloveprinceCaptain HarlockskyfallUnscarredno0bsailbotTristanRasturatorOpenoteRomySzilveszterMandoLevanjo Gazarinirevenger81Davis_MGucciGangGucciGangGucciGangGucciGangGucciGangGucciGangGucciGangGucciGangGucciGangGucciGanghoss1965Fakerotari2001MacedoniaGreecereferent mladjiYorumlar (64)

PLEASE BAN FOR RACIST MOJO! https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/34424

Belasını bulur , her iki cihanda da....

PLEASE BAN FOR RACIST MOJO! https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/34424

Ne želimo vidjeti rasističke i vjerske neprijatelje u igri. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - We don t want to see racist and religious enemies in the game. - —---------------__----------
Nem akarunk rasszista és vallási ellenségeket látni a játékban.

Ne želimo vidjeti rasističke i vjerske neprijatelje u igri. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - We don t want to see racist and religious enemies in the game. - —---------------__---------- Nem akarunk rasszista és vallási ellenségeket látni a játékban.

PLEASE BAN FOR RACIST MOJO! https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/34424

PLEASE BAN FOR RACIST MOJO! https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/34424

PLEASE BAN FOR RACIST MOJO! https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/34424

No ban for outgame actions.
No ban for exercising fre of speech / opinion ingame, not even if it offends some people.
Swearing at other players (like -animal-), however, may be subject to punishment, even to ban.

When you will remove Kosovo is Kosovo avatars? Lot of Turkish players have that avatar.

This is happening in game. check his avatar now

Bulshit! PLEASE BAN FOR RACIST MOJO! https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/34424

I will use same hatred avatar if he doesn t take a ban.. Bullshit yeah. Disrespectful shit

@bikkin keep a difference between free speech and talking nonsense. And i am not sure how educated you are but just in case you are not let me tell you insulting person/religion/nation/race/etc is offense in almost all laws either they are religious laws or some counties law.

@ecoo36 +1111

please ban mojo racist !

His avatar isn t hate speech, it s a sign of bigotry. It should still be changed, however.
His actions on the Discord, however... Yeah, that s really, really bad. No defending it.

Follow-up: instead of making this a big thing, you should ve just quietly let staff know.

Bulshit! PLEASE BAN FOR RACIST MOJO! https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/34424

Bulshit! PLEASE BAN FOR RACIST MOJO! https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/34424

Bulshit! PLEASE BAN FOR RACIST MOJO! https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/34424

@To4oo4 you can be quiet boy. we will not be quiet. peace be with you o7

PLEASE BAN FOR RACIST MOJO! https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/34424


oh my xD

Free Tibet!


PLEASE BAN FOR RACIST MOJO! https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/34424

mojo play hard. when people get angry.... it doesn t matter if he swears at me i dont see never mojo in real and i think he making troll maybe i dont know but swearing in people s beliefs is bigotry

Islam is not terror religion. Believe or not, Islam is only one religion degree of God.
And it suits with the picture under the article from a religious war and change of a christian temple to a mosque!!!
Ohhh i forgot the subject was to ban someone in game for insults at discord ...

he can say whatever he want for whoever god or allah if he doesn t say it in the game chat, discord its a different aspect and admins have no rights there he can literally say the worst possible thing imagined about your religion and it would be okay

odd things is... it is the Same God. It is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Essau in all three religions (Islam, Judaisms and Christianity).

It s just a game... No need to import RL issues here... But, it s obvious that this type of games is actually based on the weakness from the RL issues. Anyway, people should talk between themselves and try to find some solutions.
If Mojo have a purpose to make some friends in the game, he should apologize. If he wants to make enemies...

@lucifer, the portal do expose discord presence for players to communicate if you didnt pay attention what was going on let me remind you that this is a community game but i am sure you dont understand this and no one has no right to talk nonsense for any personal or individual specially when it is a important person for a community. They way you guys just defending this nonsense is only leading this in more worst case, the easy way is that guy should apologies and close this chapter.


Bulshit! PLEASE BAN FOR RACIST MOJO! https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/34424


PLEASE BAN FOR RACIST MOJO! https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/34424

i am not sure, but is not your religion that spread peace and kindness in the world? if it is so, your actions (requests of punishment) are not representative for your belief. so act like you suppose to act according to your belief or stop pretending you have that belief in order to be taken serious.

Admins, please ban ALL religions ingame.

Ban him

Admins, please ban ALL religions ingame. +1


Neka Mojo bude Ban 

Who believes in GODS, DEAMONS, is a psychopath in any case...

Kromion what about who believe in Santa? don t make me a psychopath please 

This is a game and the only reason provocation by Mojo is to challenge the DOW to cease hiding Turkish cooperation with the opposing alliance more accurately Iran,I agree that it is a bad way to communicate but the Turks have already been provocative for a month

Bulshit! PLEASE BAN FOR RACIST MOJO! https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/34424

I am against every religion, should I be banned too?

Join Japan, Join NOW !!!

If you respected to us and dont use bad words about religions, why should u banned? you can live your own life as you want

@Khabib No, I will not be quiet. You took an issue that should have remained private and made it into a big thing. Tell an admin like a logical person would; don t start a witch hunt.

Please learn how to speak English.
Please get a brain.

Mama i am on screenshot!!!!!!

we will not be quiet too o7

Who believes in GODS, DEAMONS, is a psychopath in any case... x2

even today I heard that UFOs exist too ... and I was happy all day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUyqDxa2k3w

Blá... blá... blá... cry... cry... cry...

you cry my little boy :3

I believe I can fly... Obviously I believe in Santa!

Mojo Turčine napuši se...

PLEASE BAN FOR RACIST MOJO! https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/34424

Mojo for president! 😂