Yayınlanacağı yer United States of America - Sosyal etkileşim ve eğlence - 04 Nov 2019 06:55 - 25







بِسْــــــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِارحْمَنِ ارحِيم
When the earth is shaken with its (final) earthquake. And the earth discharges its burdens. And man says, "What is (wrong) with it?". That Day, it will report its news. Because your Lord has commanded it. That Day, the people will depart separated (into categories) to be shown (the result of) their deeds. So whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it, and whoever does an atom's weight of evil will see it.
Yer o yaman sarsıntı ile sarsıldığı,
Yer, içindeki ağırlıkları çıkarıp dışarı attığı,
Ve insan: "Ona ne oluyor?" dediği zaman.
O gün yer, bütün haberlerini anlatır.
Çünkü Rabbin ona vahyetmiştir.
O gün insanlar, amellerinin karşılığı kendilerine gösterilmek üzere bölük bölük çıkacaklardır.
Her kim zerre kadar hayır işlemişse onu görecektir.
Her kim, zerre kadar şer işlemişse onu görecektir.
HarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnCaptain HarlockSoharaRuEvil SkullEvil SkullAlitasipinasipinasipinaUSKUDARK o BSiPaHiFENIXATo4oo4THE ONEKromionloveprinceLijaserTo4oo4JerryZGBHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnHarleyQuinnTHE ONEHarleyQuinnFastolphYorumlar (25)

Yakında bileceksiniz. Allah hepimize gerçekleri yakında bildirecektir. Allah Halim olduğu gibi aynı zamanda Kahhar dır. Bekleyin ey kafirler ve kafirlere çanak tutan içimizde Müslüman adlarıyla dolaşan münafıklar. Şüphesiz ki bizler de sizlerle beraber beklemekteyiz

Imagine bringing real life issues into a videogame

To4oo4, this is the real life, in facebook, in twitter, in Vk, in instagram, in eRev.

I hope God will help this people.

eRev is not real life. It is a game, xEd. I am not denying the suffering of these people. What I am saying is that bringing real life issues of that caliber into a game is barking up the wrong tree.

I will share the truth in everywhere. Not only in eRev. We are not fake people. Every player has a life and this game is part of our life too. We are spending many time here and getting to know each other even if I dont know you. So, yeah. Nobody cant stop me about that. I will share the realities always

Not to burst your bubble, Khabib, but I believe it is common knowledge that these countries are suffering, or at least common knowledge among people who follow the news.
I sound extremely uncaring right now and that is not my intent.


I dont expect different comment from you because already Trump is killing the Middle East like Obama and Bush. I am not surprised. So again, I will not stop even whatever you say. We will tell the truth in everywhere and this genocidr will be end finally

Oh, I hate Trump. He s a madman. I wasn t involved enough in politics to speak about when Obama was president and I was a wee lad when Bush was president.

if you know the place can you take your own photos and show us, with proofs you are there and the date, people in other parts of the world cant really take for serious this things sometimes because we dont know wich news are real or political biased, we dont know what kind of government you have there, we dont know anything of that place or even about war, and i am tired of seing only pics of professional photographers or press pics. I want to see real pics or videos of normal people living there

Please follow the news of Middle East War Strategy Analyzers from these lands. Social media giving us real news if you can find it. I know many accounts and I can shoe you if you interested in that. So, this is the real life. Middle East pool of Muslim blood by thr West. And everyone is blind as you say

Yeah, I d appreciate if you link me. Unsurprisingly, our news outlets are pretty biased.



@Khabib Nurmagomedov Don t bother yourself bro...What do you explain to those who don t want to see reality?They say this is a game...Yeah...Thats right.But there are some one who can t do the same game... because at any moment a bomb could spread their limbs on the wall...

you cant know who will feel sad and change their opinions about middle east. even 1 person can understand real terrorist not comes from middle east, it is enough for me. thats why we will continue to share all infos. as you see they say we dont see real news. I am sharing and they knowing. It is my mission in my religion the save the innocents from the cruels and real terrorists

@Khabib Nurmagomedov They know we are not terrorist... they just want to show us terrorist to others...

If you want to see the true face of the Middle East, just travel there before you judge.

I am already in the middle east. I know who are the real terrorists. Alhamdulillah I am not blind

@Khabib Nurmagomedov I meant To4oo4 and who has the same opinion bro I know you re in the middle east...read my comments again plz 

Aha alright