Yayınlanacağı yer Croatia - Finans işleri - 26 Jan 2020 02:49 - 16
Greeting everyone!
Since Admins did some changes in Lucky Wheel rewards and i have some spare time this morning i'll try to make my
first calculation article, hope this will help others decide to go
gamble or not, or at least to know when to stop spinning.

First we need to make some umptions before starting the calculation,
possible rewards, their value and time needed to craft and cost of spins. And some ground
rules :)
So rewards are (with their value and time needed to craft):

* q3 missiles value is kind of hard to calculate, but lets say 50 q3 wep/tank/sub is worth 1.5gold
* 1 worker value is calculated form actual best job offer in Cro
* EB and RPG value is calculated from Admins gold store
And the gem crates value is calculated from:

First spin is free and then its cost start to grow, from 0.2g to 3g by 0.2g on every step. After its gets to 3g we have fixed value. So, first 16 spins is from 0 to 3g per spin, in total 24g.
Daily Calculations/ DAY 1477
From basic umptions from above we can go in daily calculations (if I have time) with one rule, every day i'll spin the wheel till i get 4 gems reward. I think it is the only reward that pays off if you are not chasing first place in this tournament. Second and third jackpot can give you more energy to fight but with great cost.
So, lets go:
On 1477 day i have made 31 spins and it cost me 69 gold.
This is rewards that i get:

Lets see that in %, what was probability today for me

And now the final calculation, based on umption that i have spent 4 gems on 1gem and 3gem crates:

In total:
I have spent 69 gold in 31 spins and got rewards valued 393.26 gold (if i would craft those life kits and missiles it would take me 42 days). Those rewards wont worth evenly for every player, some of you dont have 69 gold every day to gamble and collect LK, EB and missiles, some of you save money for companies and dont need same stuff as others players. On the other side i can save those 4 gems for 3 days and buy 2x5gem crate and 2x1g crate which will increase rewards value exponentially (we will try that in next days).
If i did some mistakes (which is possible :) ) pls correct me.
Hope it helps :)
DAY 1478
For the second day of calculations I got first jackpot after 33 spins. Here are results:

Lets see that in colorful pie and stacks:

We can conclude that the yesterday gamble had better outcome, it was 2 spins less and i got 5 times Workers reward (today only one).
Final calculation, Profit/loss:

So, i have spent 75gold on 33 spins (small mistake in table above) and got 4gems and rewards valued 167.24gold. Please note that I didnt spent any GEMs today since we'r trying to get better prizes form 5gem create.
Since Admins did some changes in Lucky Wheel rewards and i have some spare time this morning i'll try to make my
first calculation article, hope this will help others decide to go
gamble or not, or at least to know when to stop spinning.

First we need to make some umptions before starting the calculation,
possible rewards, their value and time needed to craft and cost of spins. And some ground
rules :)
So rewards are (with their value and time needed to craft):

* q3 missiles value is kind of hard to calculate, but lets say 50 q3 wep/tank/sub is worth 1.5gold
* 1 worker value is calculated form actual best job offer in Cro
* EB and RPG value is calculated from Admins gold store
And the gem crates value is calculated from:

First spin is free and then its cost start to grow, from 0.2g to 3g by 0.2g on every step. After its gets to 3g we have fixed value. So, first 16 spins is from 0 to 3g per spin, in total 24g.
Daily Calculations/ DAY 1477
From basic umptions from above we can go in daily calculations (if I have time) with one rule, every day i'll spin the wheel till i get 4 gems reward. I think it is the only reward that pays off if you are not chasing first place in this tournament. Second and third jackpot can give you more energy to fight but with great cost.
So, lets go:
On 1477 day i have made 31 spins and it cost me 69 gold.
This is rewards that i get:

Lets see that in %, what was probability today for me

And now the final calculation, based on umption that i have spent 4 gems on 1gem and 3gem crates:

In total:

I have spent 69 gold in 31 spins and got rewards valued 393.26 gold (if i would craft those life kits and missiles it would take me 42 days). Those rewards wont worth evenly for every player, some of you dont have 69 gold every day to gamble and collect LK, EB and missiles, some of you save money for companies and dont need same stuff as others players. On the other side i can save those 4 gems for 3 days and buy 2x5gem crate and 2x1g crate which will increase rewards value exponentially (we will try that in next days).
If i did some mistakes (which is possible :) ) pls correct me.
Hope it helps :)
DAY 1478
For the second day of calculations I got first jackpot after 33 spins. Here are results:

Lets see that in colorful pie and stacks:

We can conclude that the yesterday gamble had better outcome, it was 2 spins less and i got 5 times Workers reward (today only one).
Final calculation, Profit/loss:

So, i have spent 75gold on 33 spins (small mistake in table above) and got 4gems and rewards valued 167.24gold. Please note that I didnt spent any GEMs today since we'r trying to get better prizes form 5gem create.
Permanently bannedThe Last Lynx PardinusTITUSSGtmardelLajbachZvijer69HuMaViHaile Selassie INarcisMaanVettellKame SenninYuGiOhYuGiOhYuGiOhGeneral RocaSt0L3nSt0L3nSt0L3nSt0L3nSt0L3nSt0L3nSt0L3nSt0L3nSt0L3nSt0L3nSt0L3nSt0L3nvratarxeKuxnagant895SKynet00Darken RahlDarken RahlDarken RahlDarken RahlDarken RahlDarken RahlDarken RahlDarken RahlDarken RahlSaKaZuKiPony of DarknessBastianJerkBattal GaziGreen EyesAlitakI55myAr53MrBogdanePazposqrrMiltiadosAnchikaKromionMenjikrex croatorumYorumlar (16)


svaka cast na trudu o7

Endorse + Vote + Unsub
and sub!

nice one bro good calculation... but dont say that to admins
they will punish us and next time that will give only 3 gems

Svaka Čast.

Great article

First really nice to see someone putting some good effort in articles specially which help others. Really impressive and good work. The event is named LUCKY WHEEL for good reason each player will experience differently for sure. So all i can say to everyone is good luck o7

Koliko ti je Admin platil za ovo?
Kaj nisi uzeo podatke od Boraxa jučer i koliko je on potrošio, a kaj je dobio

NIsam vidio da je on nesto racunao.. a nisam ni svoje jučerašnje zapisao, čak i da jesam bili bi nerelevantni podatci jer sam dobio 5 gemova za ukupno potrosenih 2.4 golda
budem sad pratili par dana, sljedeća tri dana necu trosit gemove pa cemo vidjeti računicu ako se uzmu 2 velika i 2 mala krejta

good art

if admin would have spent as much as effort you just put into this article to improve the game, we would have a much better game to play right now. thanks 

Voted and @Darken Rahl, +1, 100% agreed!

4 GEMS DECISION IS TERRIBLE ! game is continue to die more and more

Admin cut the 3rd chest prizes in half. Its too much. I haven t seen a goodbye rant in days..