Yayınlanacağı yer Ireland - Siyasi tartışmalar ve analiz - 18 May 2020 12:48 - 45

Hi eREV 1 Citizens
It is with a heavy heart one of the smallest active countries in the game, Ireland AKA The Celtic Union has, due to the actions of our poor Admin, decided we cannot play the game independently as a sovereign nation anymore. The situation for us is now nonviable and untenable.
Our active citizens, have in a recent meeting on our Discord, decided to shut the Ireland Brand and merge with France. (One citizen has left the game)
We thank France who will be taking us in. Merci! Viva La République française!
All Agreements/Rentals we now consider to be with France and to be handled going forward by the French Government.
All cores and colonies of Ireland are now to be considered France
This actions is forced on us by the result of a seemingly deliberate policy by the game Admin which started with the destruction of the Alliance system and limiting MPPs to just 6 countries. What strong country would then MPP a small one like us? Add game recent game changes and the dying game accelerates to its inevitable end.
That some did MPP us is amazing and I would like to thank Poland and Philippines for their repeated support in this regard.
So here we are, after many years playing as a proud nation, we are beaten by the Admin...
I feel we did well over the years and am proud of our achievements.
Ireland and France have a long history in this game and I always said we are their little brother... so now we are to move in on their patch and we hope we can contribute to French society.

This a a sad day and one I hoped might never happen to us but here we are.
So signing off for the last time as Irish CP/Taoiseach
I ask you to raise a gl of Guinness and wish us well!

Winston Hope Smith
progabeszSuccoMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosPony of DarknessGreen EyesGreen EyesLimioTsiggerNorfeNorfeMagellanBunnyLiuhawkoulisAnchikaGentilleBastianJerkBastianJerkBastianJerkBastianJerkK o BLo0pinGednauLackoaNemethBlblBlblBlblBlblFightMasterYorumlar (45)

Ireland Ábu

good luck Winny

Thanks Kenshiro

Vote...saddly, I think Admin wont react on time in this case...so much wrong stuff happened, he cant change all that. He can, but he/they wont. gl

agree Zvijer69 he want to make this game the same as eRev2... what is the point of that?

Welcome in France o7

Hail Ireland ! Well done for all the work you have done there. And Welcome in France ! 

Thanks guys we hope we will contribute to your country

Unfortunately, it was another move of admins which resulted in problems for small countries... And every bad decision reduces the player base even more, so less and less countries will have the minimum number of players to have a community... Anyway, good luck! Voted

so true PoD we are powerless to get the Admin to do anything to improve the game

Very sad news

Welcome in France ! 

Zarmael it is, I am gutted! 

Thanks Limio

Welcome in France !!! 

Thanks Norfe


lol... well ...ok ish

So sad to see my second home disappear, but glad you join us

Thanks OrignalQc We loved it when you were in Ireland

Join Japan, Join NOW !!!

Thanks for the offer but France was always our big brothers 

good luck in the future Ireland o7
Admin really messed up this time...

Thanks David appreciate the good wishes

Farewell gaffer!
Wish you Good luck and healthy life in your future.
Israel remembers Irish Winny ❤️❤️❤️

Welcome celtics boys !! make us proud :p

Thanks GIGI... and Gentille we hope to!

Sad article

Yes Eldarion it is... This is the end of an era 

Is it possible to change the country at the moment? War of nations is still go on...

lol don t complicate things Sisui
but I actually don t know but will find out tomorrow

Welcome in France little brother 

Thanks for the welcome France. We ll be French in spirit if we can t change till event is over

Thanks Carnax 

Good luck guys

Good luck o7

Good luck my irish brothers o7

Welcome in eFrance! As it was a pleasure for me to be irish with you in erev2, I wish that you re going to enjoy to be french in erev1!

Thanks everyone...

Yikes. Good luck though, hope all goes well

Thanks LittleSnake

Hello, what does it is meaning for you? Do you will request France nationality and keep France to over take all your regions? Do you will start using Franc as your main national currency?

Hi Fightmaster... Yes we have requested and am now French Citizens. Yes France will take our regions (except what is rented to BiH). Yes we will start using Francs and our CC.

Beaten by admins??? It seems other things to me...

You are entitled to disagree Mandrake