Yayınlanacağı yer France - Sosyal etkileşim ve eğlence - 15 Mar 2016 15:03 - 27
Yesterday, a serbian citizen tried to troll on the /all feed :
So french citizens decided to pack their stuff to prepare for war
And raise their baguettes in the air :
And BOOM :
Hail EAGLE! Hail Baguette! Hail Ta soeur! #BaguetteIsComing
PS : France also overkilling in poem battles
Respects to Serbia and Japan for the very entertaining battles even if you are not eating baguettes yet :)
robysurferMagellanYorumlar (27)
#BaguetteIsComing !!
Hail Baguette! hehehehe
Hail ta soeur c'est sous copyright ok ?
Haha top
Hail Baguette ô7
Will be like in other game very soon.
This is photoshop......
So you put print screen of battles with overkill?
Public suicide? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuJ0sP57ywU
Croatia and France defended Portugal against japanese and we won against Serbia and Japan in Canada and Spain. BTW this is not overkill, we hit with guns but we still have baguettes in our storage
Meet you soon o7 Hail Baguette
#BaguetteIsCuming for you tonight Govedo, sweet dreams
Hail Baguette ô7
Vincibabe, Japanese hit maybe 2-3kk max in Canada so don't count us
Meet you soon o7 Hail Baguette
#BaguettePower Au nom du vin, de la baguette et du saint-foie gras amen
"The Baguette win against the no" (Parody of a French political man, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, former Prime minister) ^^
Hail Pitusas and Manaos
Baguette is good, baguette is life, join baguette ô7
Et bientôt "The Return of the baguette"
#BaguetteIsComing j'adore le slogan