Yayınlanacağı yer Bulgaria - eRevollution da ilk adımlar - 26 Jul 2020 08:18 - 8
Hello everyone i am a new player trying to survive the rough world of erevollution. Especially with the new changes on energy and etc. I am writing this article with the hope to collect some food. My storage is almost empty and as you know with the increased energy my q1 and q2 food factories just dont cut it. I am accepting any kind of food donations. Any and every donation of food will be highly appriciated.
Here is my way of saying Thank you for the donations !!!

Here is my way of saying Thank you for the donations !!!

Green EyesCopoCoposzeresd pocakotGabrielz HornGabrielz HornGabrielz HornGabrielz HornGabrielz HornGabrielz HornGabrielz HornVadgesztenyeT28KNight wishKame SenninPony of DarknessspageTorpedjoTorpedjoTorpedjoTorpedjoTorpedjoBhalaurArminatoringSavz58Deo ZeusAZAZELKingorionYorumlar (8)

Food for the ass s err masses

You can get it anyway



19 sub 40 v
and e
your turn to subscribe my newspaper https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/35100


O m g , que ricou!!!

where are (.)(.)