Carapicho's diary

Yayınlanacağı yer China - Siyasi tartışmalar ve analiz - 18 Aug 2020 09:24 - 5

Hello eWorld,

As the Emperor of China, I seek to find allies for my country. We are currently a nation free from all engagement, we are not contributing to any alliance and we have no enemies anywhere. Currently we have MPPs with Argentina, Brazil and Poland which are vestiges of the old days. We are ready to study any interesting and honest proposals. We also propose to the country we occupy to join us in order to unify our territory and make it an unprecedented world power. China is great, China is conqueror, China deserves your interest.

Do not hesitate to contact me in MP if you want to discuss.
For any diplomatic questions, please contact me as well, Miltiados is not very available at the moment.

Long live the Chinese Empire !


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Yorumlar (5)

Hail China!
I have always thought that China and France should sign MPP, i s only natural since there are a lot of French alpha males in China !
Say something in Chinese Wink