Yayınlanacağı yer Romania - eRevollution da ilk adımlar - 27 Mar 2021 05:27 - 1
Yellow Missions
Mission 1: Junior Soldier
Solve Daily order.=100 Experience, 100 RPG
Mission 2: Businessman
Work in your companies as manager 2 times.=500 cc
Mission 3: News intro
Vote 3 favorite articles.=250 Experience
Mission 4: Domestic Market
Sell 100 food or weapons unit on your country market.=1000 Storage
Mission 5: Job obligations
Work 2 times for your employer.=4 Employees
Mission 6: Traveler
Travel to another region once.=100 Experience, 10 Strength, 10 Intelligence
Mission 7: New start
Change your avatar one time.=1 gold
Mission 8: Energy Recovery
Recover 1 000 Energy.=200 Food q5
Mission 9: Thinking strategic
Produce 1 missile.=5 Missile q3
Blue Missions
Mission 10: Small businessman
Produce 5 000 items in your companies. (NOTE: Raw is included if you produce it in storage) =100 Experience, 10 Employees
Mission 11: Trader
Sell 2 000 products on market. =200 Experience, 20 Strength, 20 Intelligence, 2 Employees
Mission 13: Contractor
Use contract to sell 3 times your products.=1000 Experience
Mission 14: Great worker
Work 3 days in a row for your employer.=5gold
Mission 15: Productivity
Use 10 workers to produce more items.=300 Food q5, 300 Weapons Q5, 300 Tanks Q5, 300 Helicopter Q5
Mission 16: Selling supplies
Sell 6 000 weapons or food.=30 Employees
Mission 17: Buying abroad
Buy 10 000 items from foreign market.=1000 Exp., 100 Strength
Mission 18: Hiring people
Hire 5 new workers to work for you.=30 Employees
Mission 19: Economy leader
Use 100 work tokens to boost up your productivity.=1000 Exp., 100 Intelligence, 1000 RPG, 1000 Food q5
Mission 20: Corporation owner
Produce 50 000 items. (NOTE: Raw is included if goes to storage)=25 Gold, 2500 cc, 2000 Storage, 1000 temp RPG
Mission 21: Space needed
Buy 5 storage units.=20 Employees, 2000 Storage, 1 House q6
Green Missions
Mission 22: Following orders
Complete Daily Order two days in row= 500 Experience, 500 RPG
Mission 23: Liberator trainee
Make 3 000 hits in Resistance War. (NOTE: Land battles only) =30 Strength, 30 Intelligence, 30 Energy q5
Mission 24: Navy Seal
Make 1 500 hits in one naval battle.= 150 Intelligence, 500 Warship q5
Mission 25: Boosting up your damage
Activate a booster.=2 Booster q3
Mission 26: Bomber I
Drop 10 Missiles on enemy soil.=20 EB
Mission 27: Domestic Hero
Make 5 000 hits for your country=25 temp EB, 2500 temp RPG
Mission 28: Hero of Resistance
Rise one resistance war.=25 Gold
Mission 29: Hero of the War
Make a damage (200.000.000) in single battle.=2000 Exp., 200 Strength, 200 Intelligence
Mission 30: Energy burner
Spend 75 Energy Bars.=50 EB, 2000 RPG
Mission 31: True Ally
Make a damage (300.000.000) in battles for your ally. (NOTE: Counting only True Ally, not Sea Legend)
=3000 Exp., 30 Gold, 30 Strength, 30 Intelligence, 3000 RPG, 30 EB
Mission 32: Liberty Hero
Make a damage (300.000.000) in battles in resistance war for resistance side. (NOTE: Counting only True Revolutionary, not Sea Legend)
=3000 Exp., 30 Gold, 30 Strength, 30 Intelligence, 3000 RPG, 30 EB
Mission 33: Homeland
Make a damage (300.000.000) in battle for your country. (NOTE: Counting only True Patriot, not Sea Legend)
=3000 Exp., 30 Gold, 30 Strength, 30 Intelligence, 3000 RPG, 30 EB
Red Missions
Mission 34: Roof over head
Activate 10 houses=5 gold, 50 Intelligence, 5 Employees
Mission 35: Socialization
Add 10 players in your friend list.=20 Energy q5
Mission 36: Equipment improver
Upgrade one part of your equipment into higher level.=3 temp Hyper Bar q5
Mission 37: Experiencing levels
Earn 5 000 Experience= 5000 RPG, 50 temp Energy q5
Mission 38: Store supply
Go to game store, and spend 30 Gold for buying supplies.=30 Energy, 5000 RPG
Mission 39: Spending machinery
Spend 5 000 Weapons any kind.= 50 Strength, 50 Intelligence, 5000 temp RPG
Mission 40: Hyper recovery
Spend 3 of them.=1000 Experience, 500 Food q5, 10 Energy Bar
Mission 41: Great fan
Endorse 25 times newspapers=2500 Exp., 25 Employees
Mission 42: Navy Seal
Spend 5 000 Submarines or Warships.=500 Exp. 100 Intelligence, 500 Warship q5, 500 Submarine q5, 500 RPG
Mission 43: Recovery
Leave your energy to be filled with food or by Energy Bars. Refill 200 000 Energy.= 55 Energy Q5
Mission 44: Earning gold
Earn 40 Gold so you could easily use it into your own benefit.= 20 Gold
Mission 45: Feed a pet
You have to take care about your pet, feed him 4 times.= 500 Experience, 5 Gold, 50 Strength,50 Intelligence, 5 Employees, 1000 Food Q5
Expert Mission
Mission 46: Building a holding
Build 5 companies (NOTE: Raw company inclouded)= 1000 cc, 50 Employees
Mission 47: Resistance Hero
Rise up Resistance war again.=50 EB, 1000 RPG
Mission 48: Great Damage
Deal a damage.( 150 Strength, 150 Intelligence, 10000 temp RPG, 100 temp.HB, 100 Missile q5
Mission 49: Speeding up recovery
Use 400 Energy Bars.=100 Gold
Mission 50: Empire working
Use 350 work tokens in your companies.=300 Employees, 10000 RPG
Mission 51: Battle Hero
Win 4 Battle Hero medals.=1 Quest Hero, 1 Gold Pack, 3 Nuke, 1 Enchantment Stone Q5

Mission 1: Junior Soldier
Solve Daily order.=100 Experience, 100 RPG
Mission 2: Businessman
Work in your companies as manager 2 times.=500 cc
Mission 3: News intro
Vote 3 favorite articles.=250 Experience
Mission 4: Domestic Market
Sell 100 food or weapons unit on your country market.=1000 Storage
Mission 5: Job obligations
Work 2 times for your employer.=4 Employees
Mission 6: Traveler
Travel to another region once.=100 Experience, 10 Strength, 10 Intelligence
Mission 7: New start
Change your avatar one time.=1 gold
Mission 8: Energy Recovery
Recover 1 000 Energy.=200 Food q5
Mission 9: Thinking strategic
Produce 1 missile.=5 Missile q3
Blue Missions
Mission 10: Small businessman
Produce 5 000 items in your companies. (NOTE: Raw is included if you produce it in storage) =100 Experience, 10 Employees
Mission 11: Trader
Sell 2 000 products on market. =200 Experience, 20 Strength, 20 Intelligence, 2 Employees
Mission 13: Contractor
Use contract to sell 3 times your products.=1000 Experience
Mission 14: Great worker
Work 3 days in a row for your employer.=5gold
Mission 15: Productivity
Use 10 workers to produce more items.=300 Food q5, 300 Weapons Q5, 300 Tanks Q5, 300 Helicopter Q5
Mission 16: Selling supplies
Sell 6 000 weapons or food.=30 Employees
Mission 17: Buying abroad
Buy 10 000 items from foreign market.=1000 Exp., 100 Strength
Mission 18: Hiring people
Hire 5 new workers to work for you.=30 Employees
Mission 19: Economy leader
Use 100 work tokens to boost up your productivity.=1000 Exp., 100 Intelligence, 1000 RPG, 1000 Food q5
Mission 20: Corporation owner
Produce 50 000 items. (NOTE: Raw is included if goes to storage)=25 Gold, 2500 cc, 2000 Storage, 1000 temp RPG
Mission 21: Space needed
Buy 5 storage units.=20 Employees, 2000 Storage, 1 House q6
Green Missions
Mission 22: Following orders
Complete Daily Order two days in row= 500 Experience, 500 RPG
Mission 23: Liberator trainee
Make 3 000 hits in Resistance War. (NOTE: Land battles only) =30 Strength, 30 Intelligence, 30 Energy q5
Mission 24: Navy Seal
Make 1 500 hits in one naval battle.= 150 Intelligence, 500 Warship q5
Mission 25: Boosting up your damage
Activate a booster.=2 Booster q3
Mission 26: Bomber I
Drop 10 Missiles on enemy soil.=20 EB
Mission 27: Domestic Hero
Make 5 000 hits for your country=25 temp EB, 2500 temp RPG
Mission 28: Hero of Resistance
Rise one resistance war.=25 Gold
Mission 29: Hero of the War
Make a damage (200.000.000) in single battle.=2000 Exp., 200 Strength, 200 Intelligence
Mission 30: Energy burner
Spend 75 Energy Bars.=50 EB, 2000 RPG
Mission 31: True Ally
Make a damage (300.000.000) in battles for your ally. (NOTE: Counting only True Ally, not Sea Legend)
=3000 Exp., 30 Gold, 30 Strength, 30 Intelligence, 3000 RPG, 30 EB
Mission 32: Liberty Hero
Make a damage (300.000.000) in battles in resistance war for resistance side. (NOTE: Counting only True Revolutionary, not Sea Legend)
=3000 Exp., 30 Gold, 30 Strength, 30 Intelligence, 3000 RPG, 30 EB
Mission 33: Homeland
Make a damage (300.000.000) in battle for your country. (NOTE: Counting only True Patriot, not Sea Legend)
=3000 Exp., 30 Gold, 30 Strength, 30 Intelligence, 3000 RPG, 30 EB
Red Missions
Mission 34: Roof over head
Activate 10 houses=5 gold, 50 Intelligence, 5 Employees
Mission 35: Socialization
Add 10 players in your friend list.=20 Energy q5
Mission 36: Equipment improver
Upgrade one part of your equipment into higher level.=3 temp Hyper Bar q5
Mission 37: Experiencing levels
Earn 5 000 Experience= 5000 RPG, 50 temp Energy q5
Mission 38: Store supply
Go to game store, and spend 30 Gold for buying supplies.=30 Energy, 5000 RPG
Mission 39: Spending machinery
Spend 5 000 Weapons any kind.= 50 Strength, 50 Intelligence, 5000 temp RPG
Mission 40: Hyper recovery
Spend 3 of them.=1000 Experience, 500 Food q5, 10 Energy Bar
Mission 41: Great fan
Endorse 25 times newspapers=2500 Exp., 25 Employees
Mission 42: Navy Seal
Spend 5 000 Submarines or Warships.=500 Exp. 100 Intelligence, 500 Warship q5, 500 Submarine q5, 500 RPG
Mission 43: Recovery
Leave your energy to be filled with food or by Energy Bars. Refill 200 000 Energy.= 55 Energy Q5
Mission 44: Earning gold
Earn 40 Gold so you could easily use it into your own benefit.= 20 Gold
Mission 45: Feed a pet
You have to take care about your pet, feed him 4 times.= 500 Experience, 5 Gold, 50 Strength,50 Intelligence, 5 Employees, 1000 Food Q5
Expert Mission
Mission 46: Building a holding
Build 5 companies (NOTE: Raw company inclouded)= 1000 cc, 50 Employees
Mission 47: Resistance Hero
Rise up Resistance war again.=50 EB, 1000 RPG
Mission 48: Great Damage
Deal a damage.( 150 Strength, 150 Intelligence, 10000 temp RPG, 100 temp.HB, 100 Missile q5
Mission 49: Speeding up recovery
Use 400 Energy Bars.=100 Gold
Mission 50: Empire working
Use 350 work tokens in your companies.=300 Employees, 10000 RPG
Mission 51: Battle Hero
Win 4 Battle Hero medals.=1 Quest Hero, 1 Gold Pack, 3 Nuke, 1 Enchantment Stone Q5

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Many thanks, can not believe Admin finally added a naval mission battle. Hail Admin o7 P.s.: Sub40, if you want sub mine too please: