Yayınlanacağı yer Romania - Sosyal etkileşim ve eğlence - 27 Mar 2021 10:38 - 8
Toate gândurile se luminează atunci când ai o persoană căreia să îi spui totul. "
(Cie, skins)
All thoughts lighten when you have a person to tell everything to. "
(Cie, skins)
The Russian Ministry Of Agriculture, In Kazan
Pavillion Of The Enlightened, Bangkok
Vietnam's Golden Bridge
Budapest Hungary
Restaurant On The River Ill Flowing Through The Historic Petite France Quarter Of Strasbourg, France
This stadium is located in Čierny Balog, Slovakia, where the train tracks are located between the fans and the field, and a ping train can block the view anytime. The tracks were built back in 1914, far before the appearance of the football field. They stopped working in 1982, but then continued as a tourist attraction.
“The Son Doong Cave, the largest known cave in the world.”
“The sea of daisies in Mitoyo, Kagawa, Japan.”
“The worlds oldest underground in Baker Street 157 years apart.”
“The Grand Canyon as seen from space.”
“Elk fighting in beautiful symmetry.”
“Blooming Cherry Trees in Bonn, Germany.”
“This is how vineyards grow on Canary Island. As the island has many volcanoes the soil is nutrient dense. Grape saplings are planted specifically in dug pits with a width of up to several meters. This is done to make it easier for the roots to reach the fertile soil layer and to retain moisture.”
“This sculpture that looks like a ghost at the Castle of Vezio, Italy.”
“Mars without and with - water & atmosphere.”
“USS Los Angeles airship lands on USS Saratoga, January 1928.”
“A "Kuker". A traditional Bulgarian costume that men put on once a year and perform rituals to scare off evil spirits.”
Iată-ne ajunși la finalul acestui episod al pozuțelor de weekend, sper că sunteți cu toții bine sănătoși(ceea ce-mi doresc și mie) și cu bună dispoziție întotdeauna ;) … vă doresc un sfârșit de săptămână după bunul vostru plac, cu zâmbete și bucurii alături de cine vă face viața mai frumoasă.
Să aveți grijă de suflețelele voastre și nu uitați să zâmbiți!!!
Here we are at the end of this episode of the weekend pics, I hope you are all well healthy (which I wish and always in a good mood;)… I wish you a weekend to your liking, with smiles and joy with those who make your life more beautiful.
Take care of your souls and don't forget to smile !!!
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primul )

nice, wanted to see a soccer match at this Černý Balog stadium! And that Kuker costume seems like Chewbacca


As usual, amazing pictures posted by my twin sister, BunnyLiu !
I wasn t expecting anything less than the usual extraordinary visual treat that Bunny is offering all of us every week.
Keep doing your heavenly work here, because I am confident there is a place in Heaven with your name written on it...
God Bless you, beloved sister ! 

I am so proud of you !

Therapy session