Yayınlanacağı yer Croatia - Sosyal etkileşim ve eğlence - 07 May 2021 03:28 - 10

Another lie from our beloved Admin:

Admin, its time for you to change your avatar

spagePeakyGreen Eyesthe_passengerSophiaLoving PabloPony of DarknessKendo YanarKocaelispor41BunnyLiuBunnyLiuLajbachYorumlar (10)


How yes no

Also, in admins article on day 1900 admin said that for that event only we can buy Bussiness pack and it is the one time offer. Ofc, on this event we can see BP again and admin has edited his News from d1900 where he has deleted that part about One time offer.. cheap liar, but we all know that already

This must be just a very late April fools joke 

Too bad i dont have whole SS but this is the deleted sentence:
This is a limited time offer, and will no longer be available. Thank you for supporting the game.

That is why I love admin, he always give us a reason for laugh :-DDDD

tsiger and carapico buy for 3y BP,be smart hihihi

crazy stuff

There are still people here whom spending money on this garbage game? lmao