Yayınlanacağı yer Romania - Sosyal etkileşim ve eğlence - 29 May 2021 02:38 - 4
Dacă ai destulă răbdare, poți muta munții din loc, dar dacă ai destulă inteligență, zbori peste ei.
Boris Vian
If you have enough patience, you can move the mountains, but if you have enough intelligence, you fly over them.
Boris Vian
“Marble Caves of Chile.”
“Ford Thunderbird radical custom (1963)”
“Close up of a majestic Snow Leopard's face.”
“Manufaktura before and after renovation (Łódź, Poland)”
“Concorde’s Cockpit - One of the most complex cockpits in history.”
“Amanita Muscaria releasing spores.”
“Only in Texas...a Ferrari parked next to a tractor at a local high school (and yes both were driven there by students).”
“Europe terrain visualization.”
“I made this mourning ring for my friend who lost her Mum late last year. 9ct yellow gold and a lock of her Mum's hair encased under clear quartz.”
Cherries under water
“A spiny flower mantis.”
"South Korea Bus stations can look like this!"
Ca întotdeauna planul de acasă nu se potrivește cu cel din târg :), mi-am propus să public noul episod al pozuțelor, evident, vineri, dar am fost iar sabotată de actualizările infinite ale pc-ului. Sper să nu vă displacă că am reușit să-l scot la lumină abia astăzi…
Vă doresc un weekend plin de frumos, bucurii și speranță!
Să aveți grijă de suflețelele voastre și nu uitați să zâmbiți!
As always, the plan at home does not match the one at the fair :), I set out to publish the new episode of the pics, obviously on Friday, but I was again sabotaged by the endless updates of the PC. I hope you don't mind that I only managed to bring it to light today…
I wish you a weekend full of beauty, joy and hope!
Take care of your souls and don't forget to smile!
GtmardelVoyvodaOdVutreDarken RahlChocolataspagedragica1De OblandoPMihaialt puidgyx1983gaby89evilgodvisatorvisatorZeparZeparZeparZeparPony of DarknessB A R O NFlorin IFlorin IFlorin IFlorin IFlorin IFlorin Igaby89Captain Harlockastonrivllastonrivllsesebinagant895nagant895nagant895nagant895nagant895hellspawnNutritionistulpevallBabacumachelemachelemachelemachelegaladraelgaladraelgaladraelgaladraelgaladraelYorumlar (4)

funny pics? i dont see carapicho s mother here for some reason

If you find the orange-haired girl in the article for me, I ll drown you in gold 

Mando, so far only Keanu has offered us the opportunity to get to know his distinguished mother ...
B A R O N, I m sure you re referring to the young lady wearing the splendid Swedish cheese dress

hehehe was good