Traitor testimony

Yayınlanacağı yer Germany - Sosyal etkileşim ve eğlence - 25 Oct 2021 00:39 - 6

1. leave noob to hit all what he got... 
2. make him cry

enjoy :D

But to be non only trol article i will give some advices:
Prepare for last day, calc carefull and be ready to reach +30% more than 1st place
Take on mind that there is another player who will try to win it too :D - in this case there was none, or I refused it
The mechanics of the house activation in game are super bad and boring... i try a few ways.... there wasnt easy or simple way...
Enjoy on global chat, cryers will come alone :D

And always be ready for rewards...

and when little hearts cry....

Disko Nindza
 24.10 23:47 
One serious buyer, one disgusting scammer and one casual non buyer. Who would win?

And you will ask why i`m disgusting scammer? Here is the answer:

Why? hahaha We all know how he plays last 2-3 years. Botter, Farmer, system exploiter.. he will never have honor, he will stand as scammer forever 21 and no, i m not mad for this tournemant, this is just personal de ion earned in past time.

Disko Nindza
 25.10 00:08 
Why? hahaha We all know how he plays last 2-3 years. Botter, Farmer, system exploiter.. he will never have honor, he will stand as scammer forever 21 and no, i m not mad for this tournemant, this is just personal de ion earned in past time.

so as i said...

The real reward is in comments :)

and for every who wonder...  i have activated houses for next 28+ years ;))


NairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiKame SenninExpoBG

Yorumlar (6)

Only 28+? LoL
Smile Първи
Lepo sam ti rekao jos pre nedelju dana, pali jos kuca.
Damn that s a lot of houses Laugh Nice work! o7
ty @Kendo