Yayınlanacağı yer Romania - Savaş analizleri - 05 Dec 2021 07:10 - 2
Dear Admin,
This is about the effects of warfare, from my personal point of view.
Of course, I enjoy winning battles,
developing my account in order to help my community win the above mentioned
battles and have a good time regardless. Now, I also understand other players have
been here many years and their loyalty must be rewarded and recognize the
constant effort on the administration side to keep a balance between
participants, old and new.
This is an intelligent endeavor, we all know about both Pareto distribution and the fact that prosperous business revolves around
communities in these times.
Therefore, the implementation of a device that renders me useless (I am able to do the math, somebody with 50+ level wolf and tiger discharging instant damage is no match, regardless of how many friends, as new as
I am, will fight beside me) isn’t encouraging me to spend, invite friends or continue. It doesn’t make me wish to grow or develop. I don’t feel like
throwing RL money at the problem, since the day when I could buy pets by the
dozen is gone forever (as you stated at the time).
I dare say you just gave a too great advantage to the big boys, causing an unnecessary imbalance in the game.
Am I missing something?
LushaIoaaMrBogdanBunnyLiuPony of Darknesstitzianotitzianotitzianotitziano