Yayınlanacağı yer Brazil - eRevollution da ilk adımlar - 22 Mar 2016 10:24 - 15

Dear Future Clients & eRevollution users who may be concerned
We are Tigers Mercenaries Team - 1st founded multi-national team in erevollution.
We would like to open our basic rules and fighters list to users today.
Tigers team firstly support the "Client first" policy.
Our team is composed of multi-national users so that we can fight for any client regardless nationality, alliances.
Whenever we get mission to clear, we will aspire toward duty perfect following client's needs
Our main rule is to keep secret any information with regard to clients.
In addition to this, our team have our own strategy and order system for victorious battle.
This strategy and order can be flexible as per client's request.
We will happily follow the new strategy from client. :)
If you need help, we are willing to go there to fight for you.
Feel free to contact with us any time, but sooner request is highly appreciated.
If we got news from client as early as possible, we can help client much more than client might guess.
Any Tigers members on the list below, they will help you when you ask anything.
Tigers member are all equal, so any Tigers member have right to decide and gather other Tigers.
For your reference, Our channel in IRC is #TigersTeam
This is Tigers Team member list & Total Damage Check sheet (March 23th, 2016)
It's total Tigers team damage without bonus items - 35.9million Damage now.
Please refer to the table belows.
Tigers Team Is Strong Enough to Help You !!
Tigers Team

Yorumlar (15)

pixel pls


Total dmg is 36m now without bunus items but only with 100 heli 

Pensa se lo faceste per le vostre nazioni......

@ll Mario, It's okay for me, I will be happy to see our member to fight in opposite side.
Each members have their own right to decide whether fight or not. It's not obligatory for us. But Every Tigers members respect to decisions of other members. we can fight in any battle, becasue we have real multi-nationalities. It can help us to fight in any battle ground.


Can i join? Pm please

@legolas, Hello dear brother. You can join us if you read our principle and willing to share that 
