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Yayınlanacağı yer Greece - Savaş analizleri - 31 Mar 2024 15:14 - 9


Final Standings after the end of all the 18 Tiers:

Players TOP-TEN









The game is interesting, because requires a lot of Strategy and Diplomacy.
But sucks  A LOT of golds!
About 2,500 Golds are needed to reach the maximum power (30K), to buy damage multipliers and for hiding or un-hiding the armies in the areas.
Thus, if the discrepancy of Power is too big between the Guilds, the raw force prevails badly over the strategy.  And this makes the game less intricating than could be just by making some minor improvements.


1) The Event must last only 6 days and not 12. Now it is too long. Just rise a bit the daily prizes so the connected Event can be completed in 6 days.

2) For incentivizing the Team Spirit, Prizes and Medals must be given also to the members of the top-3 Guilds, not only to the top-10 single players. Too individualistic the current concept.

3) Scout cost must rise to X3 (60 Golds) the hiding cost (20 Golds).

4) The initial enter-points of the Guilds must be everywhere (not fixed as currently are) but no one can use more than 3 enter-points in a single Tier. 

5) At the end of the day, of the resting power in an area, must remain  1/4th  and not 1/5th for the next day.

6) AND MORE IMPORTANT: One more button must be added to the battle module {Help <Guild Name>} so allies can have a direct involvement.

7) "Last seen" info for the players is not so useful. An indicator "on-line now" must be added.

No one knows wtf is the INFLUENCE the Guilds are accumulating and at what serves for...
ADMIN: What's the point of the INFLUENCE?



RizonlightPatrokloskaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yikaren yiKame SenninStefan1994aCoaJNAmiha98miha98miha98miha98miha98miha98miha98miha98miha98miha98miha98miha98miha98miha98miha98miha98miha98miha98miha98miha98miha98miha98miha98miha98miha98miha98miha98miha98BOSMAN

Yorumlar (9)

GUILD WARS #4 https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/39390
I think it's stupid to invest gold in the guilds event, the most unattractive game invented by the admin to be able to make gold, the rewards are as derisory as in the other events. I don't think any of your suggestions can improve the event in any way, on the contrary, you want to modify it and consume more Gold...
... some people have a lot of money to throw away...
INFLUENCE is used if you remember at the beginning to raise GUILD lvl ... and that is it... Laugh Laugh Laugh
I firmly agree there should be prizes for the Guild rankings too, so many 1 dude Guilds who hit only on the lateral sides for the 20% bonus in order to rise the player ladder
INFLUENCE might be the thing you need to upgrade your Guild level and the level of your troops, but since most Guilds with max level already have sh1ttons of it, they don't need it to raise troops and the guild that are not max lvl alreay have enough of it to get there so, INFLUENCE needs another benefit since this one is defunct by now...
Rizonlight, the difference of the Influence in a direct battle between two Guilds, could be used as a coefficient for their attacking or defensive power.
Asmin, in practice Influence counts the number of the areas and the days that you maintained the possession of them. Thats OK, but should be some prizes and medals also for that.
Two sessions is needed. For example, at the first session our guild was overpowered. And for the second one it was ok. And it is happening since the beginning.