Yayınlanacağı yer South Korea - Siyasi tartışmalar ve analiz - 28 Apr 2016 20:34 - 14
First of all, I'd like to express other brothers who have been isted eSK liberation war from now.
This is an article to make clear some issues of South Korea.
When I started this game, Japan was already powerful country in this game.
eSK citizens have no choice but to maintain good relationship with the Empire nearby.
Almost the players who has been playing with us may know Japan have power to erase SK whenever they wanted. But Japan have expressed their propagnada to fight for weakness side from beginning of the country.
So exactly saying, Japan couldn't erase small country SK nearby. Because they will lose their justice if they did that.
SK citizens have been struggling to survive from the Empire influence.
In this reason, we have no choice to accept that and follow Empire favor when they asked us to enter their side. I appreciated to their favor to give a chance to survive our country at that time.
But Empire have repeatly made war and asked us many things. they pretended alliance, but they need our DMG for their war. eSK citizens recognized that we won't have real fre to move by our willing under this situation.
So, we have tried to maintain good relationship with other countries, and waiting for the time to liberate our nation from this situation.
I saw Naki's denouncement and added comments in his article.
He thanksfully attached whole communication between me.
I think he wanted to blame on me. But I'd like to express gratitude to him about this attempt.
Because all users will know that he proved that Japanese keep trying to touch our national right.
Do you want really to reveal my words? I believe you want to safe and justify your ruleing of worlds.
Do you really think that I was lying to you. You should know that it was struggling to keep safe eSK community from you. I have tried to talk about things you want to hear from me.
If I spoke my words dirrectly to you, I know you powerful guys must not give us any time to survive.
And, I have nothing to conceal any conversation with you too. I really want to improve our Tigers Mercenareis Team so I wanted to seperate political issues from our team like you copied my words.
I thought team members of TRS side will be perfect to take lead position for team. it is for peoples who want our team to keep in neutral position too.
You can see that I already tried to elect official members in my last aritlces.
And I have not been leader of our team but just been coordinator for our team. I trust all team members vouch that for me.
All Tigers members already shared our valuable priciples - we are all equal- from commencement of our team.
I am writing this article not for arguing with you and anyone.
If I have only the reason to argue, I didn't write this to make repeated meanless quarrels.
It's for Tigers Mercenaries Team. and to our team members.
Our team have been totally in neutral position and the battles you confused in South America that was eSK citizen's willling to fight for brothers who requested help.
Do you know TIgers Team first mission? The mission was from Japan.
Do you want to harm even honor of our Team? Any attempt from you will be meanless things.
Tigers Mercenaries Team has responded to any clients who needed help from us.
Even eSK citizens were not surely decided to start liberation war at that time, but your last warning made whole eSK citizens to be unified and raise this liberation war. I was surprised to see the results of survey to listen to voices of eSK citizens.
Every history you mentioned is related with real fre.
Now we have fre from you powerful guys, but it has been painstaking process.
This is an article to make clear some issues of South Korea.
When I started this game, Japan was already powerful country in this game.
eSK citizens have no choice but to maintain good relationship with the Empire nearby.
Almost the players who has been playing with us may know Japan have power to erase SK whenever they wanted. But Japan have expressed their propagnada to fight for weakness side from beginning of the country.
So exactly saying, Japan couldn't erase small country SK nearby. Because they will lose their justice if they did that.
SK citizens have been struggling to survive from the Empire influence.
In this reason, we have no choice to accept that and follow Empire favor when they asked us to enter their side. I appreciated to their favor to give a chance to survive our country at that time.
But Empire have repeatly made war and asked us many things. they pretended alliance, but they need our DMG for their war. eSK citizens recognized that we won't have real fre to move by our willing under this situation.
So, we have tried to maintain good relationship with other countries, and waiting for the time to liberate our nation from this situation.
I saw Naki's denouncement and added comments in his article.
He thanksfully attached whole communication between me.
I think he wanted to blame on me. But I'd like to express gratitude to him about this attempt.
Because all users will know that he proved that Japanese keep trying to touch our national right.
Do you want really to reveal my words? I believe you want to safe and justify your ruleing of worlds.
Do you really think that I was lying to you. You should know that it was struggling to keep safe eSK community from you. I have tried to talk about things you want to hear from me.
If I spoke my words dirrectly to you, I know you powerful guys must not give us any time to survive.
And, I have nothing to conceal any conversation with you too. I really want to improve our Tigers Mercenareis Team so I wanted to seperate political issues from our team like you copied my words.
I thought team members of TRS side will be perfect to take lead position for team. it is for peoples who want our team to keep in neutral position too.
You can see that I already tried to elect official members in my last aritlces.
And I have not been leader of our team but just been coordinator for our team. I trust all team members vouch that for me.
All Tigers members already shared our valuable priciples - we are all equal- from commencement of our team.
I am writing this article not for arguing with you and anyone.
If I have only the reason to argue, I didn't write this to make repeated meanless quarrels.
It's for Tigers Mercenaries Team. and to our team members.
Our team have been totally in neutral position and the battles you confused in South America that was eSK citizen's willling to fight for brothers who requested help.
Do you know TIgers Team first mission? The mission was from Japan.
Do you want to harm even honor of our Team? Any attempt from you will be meanless things.
Tigers Mercenaries Team has responded to any clients who needed help from us.
Even eSK citizens were not surely decided to start liberation war at that time, but your last warning made whole eSK citizens to be unified and raise this liberation war. I was surprised to see the results of survey to listen to voices of eSK citizens.
Every history you mentioned is related with real fre.
Now we have fre from you powerful guys, but it has been painstaking process.
ccccaaaaMohammad SaadYorumlar (14)


All respects to eSK!
Jungrim o7



Hail eSK! Hail Team Tigers! o7

I know this is propaganda, but Jungrim, we (Japan) never forced you anything. If you decided to leave TRS we wouldn t say anything. But you decided to back-stab us. That s all I have to say to you.

Dear brothers o7
@nakituminayashi, I understand what you felt about me, personally I feel sorry for you about this results because you only treated me as friend in TRS.. SK citizens kept our promise to return NK regions occupied by us to NK brothers now. Let s liberate NK region.

All respects to esk hail esk.... jungrim o7

Hail eSK! Hail Team Tigers! o7

Jungrim,your attempt to show Japan as bad guys wont pass,coz even our Rivals in this game know how much we respect every country,our deals and how much we help small countries to have regions and can play normal like NK or Pakistan.I know that your sweet talk deceived many SK citizens like your talk with me about friendship and ally till you planed something else behind my back.Also one friendly advice,dont provoke Japan without reason,you decide to break friendly relations with Japan,stay on that dont provoke us more and rage too much my samurais. Shiro has spoken.

@Shiro, I think we already went in other way, your attitude is the same like last time. Thank you for kind message.