Yayınlanacağı yer Japan - eRevollution da ilk adımlar - 13 Jun 2016 14:14 - 8
Hello People.
From today new Newspaper has created with name Breaking News.This newspaper will show you everything about the World and Japan.
I am selling Food and everyone can buy to me everyday.Sometime you can reserve it just send me the golds and PM me.
Important about the Food
The import about the Food is because i am selling quality 2 and 2300 energy for 1 Golds.

If you are interesting about this please contact with Rragnar ingame.You can talk in IRC chat channel #RragnarOffice
From today new Newspaper has created with name Breaking News.This newspaper will show you everything about the World and Japan.
I am selling Food and everyone can buy to me everyday.Sometime you can reserve it just send me the golds and PM me.
Important about the Food
The import about the Food is because i am selling quality 2 and 2300 energy for 1 Golds.

If you are interesting about this please contact with Rragnar ingame.You can talk in IRC chat channel #RragnarOffice

Yorumlar (8)