刊登在 Bosnia and Herzegovina - 社交娛樂 - 26 Jun 2016 02:27 - 62
According to Admin, you won't be able to move and produce in other countries anymore.
That update would be good at some point, when you rework the map and bring ballance, but NOT NOW.
I'm forced TO LEAVE MY COUNTRY or throw away my progress in game, cos companies will be worthless.
If you will force me to watch how my country fall apart cause of this stupid update, i'd rather chose to leave now.
I'm a patriot and i won't leave my country and if you sh#t on all my invested gold i just lose my interest to play this game.
I have just a question for you from small and average countries:
What about Albania? 3 regions
What about (Fy)rom? 3 regions
What about Bosnia? 4 regions
What about Uruguay? 1 region
What about Paraguay,Bolivia,Cuba,Czech Republic,Slovakia,Republic of Moldova?
Even average countries would be decimated.
Suggestion to Balance the game, apply that update once with MAP REWORK.
1.Change Number of Regions: Min 4 - Max 10.
Small RL countries: 4-6 Regions.
Average RL countries 7-9 Regions.
BIG Countries (USA-China-France,etc) - 10 Regions.
Every country get their cores back.
You are not able to dow anyone for 10 days.
That update would be good at some point, when you rework the map and bring ballance, but NOT NOW.
I'm forced TO LEAVE MY COUNTRY or throw away my progress in game, cos companies will be worthless.
If you will force me to watch how my country fall apart cause of this stupid update, i'd rather chose to leave now.
I'm a patriot and i won't leave my country and if you sh#t on all my invested gold i just lose my interest to play this game.
I have just a question for you from small and average countries:
What about Albania? 3 regions

What about (Fy)rom? 3 regions

What about Bosnia? 4 regions

What about Uruguay? 1 region

What about Paraguay,Bolivia,Cuba,Czech Republic,Slovakia,Republic of Moldova?
Even average countries would be decimated.
Suggestion to Balance the game, apply that update once with MAP REWORK.
1.Change Number of Regions: Min 4 - Max 10.
Small RL countries: 4-6 Regions.
Average RL countries 7-9 Regions.
BIG Countries (USA-China-France,etc) - 10 Regions.
Every country get their cores back.
You are not able to dow anyone for 10 days.
TopSecretDeadLightK o BATEHTATOPOTMurat MonstrumMurat MonstrumebajrektarTopSecretTopSecretTopSecretkI55myAr53AncestralATEHTATOPOTQuironniohSlade Wilson評論 (62)

Admin make some changes !!!!!!!!!!

what about us?

Actually this update what is suppose to be, but it is too early to update cos map needs to be arranged properly. Otherwise, why Country like us putting effort to get bonus, and others just moving and producing. This update is needed but not yet

I agree with you Aer0Knight, if they wanted to put this update, they should first change map.

Aer0Knight *2, I hope this update can be started with bonus update together. This big update was suddenly applied, so public couldn t prepare that...

This is good update, it s was stupid that you can get full bonuses just for 100 health. And no not every one will move to big countrys with full bonuses becouse you won t have workers.
Now finally the resources war can start

That was whole point of me shouting on chat for last few months..
No country should have 15 regions while some has 3 or even 1..
In game only countries that are rich in real life have lots of territories and are position good for world domination. While poorer countries are at huge disadvantage, that you just showed in pictures above. Only 2 reasons for this map could be, 1 map is stolen, plain and simple, its easier to steal something than to make. 2 they liked idea of rich countries having advantage as they think it would make them more money, so again they stole it.. Come to think of it, its still just one theft but with 2 reasons behind it.
This kind of thing that is actually stooping me from spending money, and if this thing is not changed, i would rather like to call my time here now than to wait few more months and hope for better.. .

With last version players from Albania had the opportunity to stay in Albania, work there and trying to develop the country. But now they have to move because of bonuses.

Come on im not agree with this. You guys want some bonuses free. Regions ? Have them with war. Or try to pull people on your country and become bigger. What if they give you a 20 region as a core? Same shit will happen. This update should have been done long ago.

The Fallen, it is the same for every smaller country 

USA have 50 regions core and uruguay 1 core you want balance....

@aer0, what if middle east empty space would be removed, and Turkey had to actually work hard to get their resources on Balkan? Dont say you worked hard for your resources because its nothing compared to what some countries would have to do just to get 1 single bonus..Example Albania to take one bonus on Balkan from lets say Greece or FYRM would be like if turkey was trying to create empire by conquering Serbia

This update will destroy the smaller countries, thus runing the diversity of the game, take it back

Tyrael. Albania have NAP with Serbia. If Albania have 20 regions, then bonuses secured

fyrom is not small. Its just divided into 4 pieces

+1 el Macedonico hahahaha

@TopSecret, you must be really high to write it, am i wrong about that Are countries put on map by considering real location in World ? Why the countries in Asia, and Africa should be removed ? It is your des to give hard Wars to take bonusses, and it our duty to have hard wars to complete our resources from EU or else, Blame your ancestors not Turkey -,-

Tyrael, its bs, all this countries in middle east that turkey fought against and expanded to , are together smaller than lets say Albania. What would be if you actually had to fight and keep under 3-4 countries let say Greece, Bulgaria, FYROM and Albania? Would you be sure to have your resources secured and than fight wars elsewhere ? This map is alright only if Admins introduce FREE Air strike, so that countries can move..

s838 v37 ,best wishes! https://www.erevollution.com/sr/article/10422 Armenia recruiting!

@aer0, map of world with half world missing. Whats the point in having countries with no population? My comment is not based why turkey has space to expand, but on your comment that turkey worked hard and deserved it.. fact is its just luck that this few empty territories are added on map. BTW im not high, and you dont have to be jerk and start insulting just because you dont have anything smarter to say...

Battle here i propose just if you move to another country to work you use duble energy for production.

Big Turkey has just 6 core regions. İt is normal for albania macedonia to have 3-4. From some point game should be resemble to real life. If admins give smaller countries same number of regions as biggers at origin, there will be surplus of regions which will cause no war. If a big country occupies 2-3 small country, bonuses gets full and there will be no willingness to fight more. I understand the rework of map before this update, however rejection to update idea is totaly selfishness.


REWORK THE MAP only after that the update will be good for the game !

R.I.P +1

o/ RIP +2

Lol, this update is made for you to improve your brain activity.
Are you complaining about regions and balance? Go and fight your neighbours.

BTW, Why Japan never complains about regions. Because it is powerful.

this update destroy game!!!


@Anonuymus hero, if you had japan in place of Bosnia, sandwiched with serbia on one side, croatia on other, do you still think Japan would be empire? Densest place on map in game with overall highest population has lowest number of regions. Take out Montenegro, Slovenia, austria CZ and Slovakia, that all together have less than 15 regions, you still have in that region Hungary, Poland, Romania, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria, FYROM, Greece, Albania.. all in that small compact place with together under 60 regions, while every single country that i named is in top 15 in the world. Why are people from those countries punished by admins by making it for some countries so easy, while impossible for others? Whats best course of action for lets say Bosnia, to hope of taking one region from Croatia or maybe even Serbia?? and be deleted for rest of the game??? If its impossible situation due to RL location countries like that should have some balance to their name..

@TopSecret nailed it! 

admin do something dont make me mad

admin just want more goldbuyers, he dont care about balance or small countries or players

Fk admmmmm

Total support for this.

Gypsy...China 10 million km2 - 10 regions, USA 10 million km2- 10 regions , France 650 000 km2 - 10 regions ... f*** logic -_-

What about us? How about growing the fuck up, looking for new players, helping them raise, get more bonuses by winning wars, looking for good allies and such? I know that s much harder than moving to another country and taking benefit of the bonuses they had to work hard, fight, spent resources and time had to get, but it might as well be more fun.

why would I wish to invite some poor soul to this piece of copy crap...? There is no one that I know that I dislike so much - that I would wish to punish them with this excuse for a game

and what is a big RL country for you? land mass? GDP? citizens?


Add country unique skill/feature. For example, Uruguay has 50% damage wall by default because it has only one region.
Well, develop your game! Not like another e-World. 

Nzagul, other than shape, map shouldnt be based on RL, at least not core regions and their numbers. I agree with BH, from 5-10 regions, and than we would have real fight. Also to add there, max 10 allies, that way there would for fact be more than 2 alliances and it would make game more interesting for all. Having all resources should be big achievement for all, even biggest and strongest countries should struggle to achieve that. That would make great fight, and world would be much more dynamic and more fun to play.. Admis should do what ever they can to create more alliances, and break this thing always 2 sides..


V + S!

What i do not understand is how are we supposed to keep paying salaries to our employees if we cannot produce anything...Lets say i decide to fire all my employees and work only as manager, i will produce 24 q5 hellis and 24 q5 tanks, not even enough for myself..what are admins trying to do with this measure?..maybe they should just split the map between serbia/croatia/france/turkey and 2-3 more and send the rest home..what are admins doing in order to help small countries count in the game?...

For all the fucking dudes who be like:hey grow up your players,hey conquer the enemy,hey get more people to ur contry to be strong
Do you even know what the fuck does it take to make a baby boom and help players growing their accounts in a no shit graphics and in a game with no balance.
No one woulf fkn like to play in a game that adminds doesnt even give a shit for u...
Please dudes dont fuck our minds 


Well, I agree with you that Bosnia surrounded by stronger countries. But what the problem to make Bosnia strong as their neighbours. Doesn t this country have donaters? Doesn t Bosnians have MPP, friends, etc. This is natural selection, the strong one and the smart one will survive. The Japan became empire not because they have desert around them. It becomes stronger because of its players, donaters and good diplomacy.

All countries should just have equal amount of regions .. lets say 5 -8 or something just to bring equality into this game

Good Idea, and please, add Ecuador, a big country of America, with strong people like Kirito playing in this game. Uruguay deserves more regions, they have people playing this game, more than Nigeria, and they have 5 regions

Boo Boo. 50 states, 1 country, 1 Flag

@spitfire, Russia has over 40 republics, over 90 Oblast and its 2x size of US yet still have only around 10 regions in game and France over 20??.. Number of states , republics, regions etc.. shouldn t matter, as every country has them and have them classed in their own way. Now if any of US states is fully independent that that should be different story and could be added as country on its own. This is not replica of RL and everyone should have some fighting chance, with not one nation with that huge advantage over others.
Than again, judging by your attitude you might be some hillbilly..

@owyea yeah we know and we succeded since we did babyboom. So many people are lazy here. Their desire is free power.like they said: admin map rework for smallers. Admin why did you nerfed weapon powers now we cant hit good but battlehero and the others suggested good ideas and i love to hear that.

@tyrel because in that case you could earn profit after fighting, you know admins need a new slice of bread probably mercedesek or bmw

always whining for something, always switching sides