刊登在 United States of America - 政論分析 - 08 Jul 2016 14:41 - 12

Hello loyal readers! Happy Friday! I'm sure there are some of you who, for whatever reason, wasn't a big fan of any party. Personally, I find that the parties are a little too similar in direction and agenda. Before I go on, let me just say that I don't support needless partisanship, however I simply want all voices to be heard.

We also have a Discord server under construction! Stay tuned for its release.

Anyhow, whether you don't know what party to pick, or you don't support your current choice all too much, join the USA Independent Party!

Thanks for reading!

Yours truly,



評論 (12)

As much as I love you and your reporting. I d like to point out that all three established parties are very different. And it saddens me that the ECP does not feed your mandate for political partisanship independence. Take a read at this: https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/7260 Talesweaver, look as well! All of the reason you have mentioned are the exact reason I formed the ECP two months ago, and perhaps why so many have flocked to the banner so far!
Our party page literally says: We strive to serve and improve the social contract between the state and the civilians who consent to its sovereign rule, valuing proper stewardship and statesmanship over any personal motive or political pursuit. Here is our founding document (although slightly out of date): https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/6512 Do check us out in the future before lumping us, the PRP, and the Feds together, I had hoped that your and Talesweaver s Independent beliefs would find common ground with our party. But besides that, best of luck to the Independent Party! Looking forward to two more active congressmen in the next term.
TL;DR I just want a place for everyone, regardless of opinion, to speak their minds. The parties we have aren t that bad. Thanks! I wasn t saying that the parties weren t independent of partisanship, I was doing that to quell fear that I was purposely involving myself on partisanship. After all, we re here to do a job, not benefit ourselves. It was simply that I wanted to create a forum for other views to be spoken - the previous election was mildly disappointing, as both candidate s plans, despite having some small differences, were mostly mirror images of each other. I kinda felt that there wasn t much room for other views to be spoken. To paraphrase from my electron analysis, neither candidate was bad, in fact both candidates had great plans, and are really good people, there was just a lack of choice imo. As I said, I simply want to create a forum for other voices, regardless of belief. Edit: beautification
I did read through it Tancred. I really don t have anything against ECP but some reason I keep seeing ECP as 1. Closer to Federalist rather than maintain neutral in current political affair. 2. Not politically active where as Fed PRP was constantly releasing their news. 3. Over complicated. Now to all who might actually be reading this comment this is not a FACT but extremely PERSONAL view of mine during creation of Independent Party and right now. This view led me to create another party where I can offer my own view. Because even if Independent party is not major party in worst case eUSA senario it can serve as defense against hostile PTO. It might be weird of me to consider PTO but from my perspective this was alone enough to for to consider investing. I ve seen many countries in different games suffer from this. For example in e-SIM result of failure to properly response to hostile PTO resulted in expulsion of all opposition. eCountry I was serving fell to enemy control and I was expelled to to eUSA TWICE.
...Those are some long responses.
Agree Bio. *Grabs popcorn* I m enjoy this :-)
Currently Tales and Uber have a solid argument wonder If Tanny will have a good comeback
First of all, its the attitude of making comebacks that we object to. Secondly, I ll respond to Talesweavers points first: 1) The Federalists are an essentially Libertarian Party. Under Arith they kept a strict view of isolation and economic laissez faire, following a Hayek-like approach to the economy that works well with a population of millions, but not as well with a population of tens. The ECP, by contrast, through Monkus detailed and thorough economic reforms, has helped usher in a new era of prosperity for the eUSA with government financial intervention and by engaging our market with the international and especially allied forces. The Feds new leadership under Abe have seen it become the more centralized and Keynesian party it seems today, as Abraham is certainly a doer when it comes to administration - to his credit. 2) Although I expected neither of you to know this, as you are not in congress, I should mention that the ECP is a very active party in both legislative and executive branches, which all three other parties would attest to and corroborate. Just because a party chooses to spend time administrating rather than popularizing a candidate and platform does not mean it is politically inactive, and I would encourage you to actually involve yourself with the political sphere of a country before you begin to critique that sphere. 3) I am sorry for any confusing or esoteric language in the literature, I would be happy to answer any questions you might have in a pm or via Discord-chat. I have no problem with the founding of your party, and look forward to the day it can be a staunch ally against a threat like the one you have mentioned in your latter text. But do not found it in opposition or to meet an un-tapped niche of parties you do not yet fully understand. Come meet us in these next elections or hop on now and start ahead of time. Good luck to you sir! I know the Independent Party will succeed with advocates such as you two.
To further address your first point our party is centralist and collectivist, withing the scope of our social contract. To further enforce our decision not to provide a candidate for this term s election. It was Abraham s great confidence and enthusiasm during his past half-way presidency for Monkus plan that encouraged our endorsement. To answer another comment you both shared about having a platform to explain your personal views, I do believe you would have that available at any party, but none moreso than the ECP, where the hierarchy is headed by a group of stewards rather than a single party president. Indeed, we are a very distinctly minded group, bound together not by our political beliefs, but rather our love for the betterment of our nation, much like yourselves. As to both of your comments about the similarities in the platforms of this terms election, I would encourage you to learn and engage in the context of our country. Although to me their platforms looked very different, and I knew the candidates themselves so I had the knowledge that they would run the government very differently, to a newcommer, this nuance is lost in the relatively similar platforms of a common nation. How would your party s platform differ? I have not been able to find a platform on either of your newspapers, except for your (TW) well crafted congressional candidacy 3 points (super pumped!). Anyway, there are my responses, again, i only have good wishes and hopes for your new and rising star of a party. I know it can be difficult to find and create identity as a new party, afterall I recently went through that myself. But rather than identifying by disassociating with other parties or due to disaffection (as this will certainly draw conflict from some more hawkish types), form it around the issues and your goals for the nation and this party. I know that you will succeed. Quote: don t like any of the parties? (Endquote) Hah, I like all of the parties!
I ll get you some drinks Ace Cheeky. Which one you prefer Coca Cola or Pepsi? Anyways well said Tancred. Since I don t have any experience of how our e-government runs nor have access to it I shouldn t have criticized. I will go to my article and edit to clear out few confusion. I do not plan on creating central platform for the party and allow all congressional or presidential candidates to fight for the seat under his own points instead of party s platform as I intended.
Coke will do. These comments are really Long. (⊙_⊙)
[Tancred says]Quote: Don t like any of the parties? (endquote) Hah, I like all of the parties![End tancred quote] The key word in that phrase was the I part of it. I don t plan on forming a specific policy agenda, as Tales said, rather, as I said earlier, make a forum for anyone to make any point they want.