Oso Kuka BC

刊登在 Albania - 社交娛樂 - 09 Jul 2016 12:34 - 7

I've joined the game recently (1 month ago) and so far I have some suggestion that would improve the game. Some of them are very easy to implement but would make the game much better, so vote this article in order for it to reach the admins!

1. Once an article is published, you should not be able to change its country. 
The way it is now, once an article gains enough votes to be in the Top5 of most countries it can 'travel the world' and appear in every country thus gaining more votes from that country's citizens.

2. Players should have the ability to comment on comments in the feeds.
Right now it's very hard to have a conversation in the feeds because messages get lost very quickly... which brings us to my next suggestion:

3. Add the ability to open more pages in the feeds.
In the "All" feed, things get lost very quickly since only the latest 30 posts are visible.

4. There should be a discussion area in which only congressmen can interact in each proposed law. 
Of course congress members can communicate in various chat apps but it would be a lot better if they could discuss the law "then and there".

5. When a message of a congress proposal arrives in a congressman's inbox. 
It's 'painful' to go to the congress page of your country especially if you're located in another country. It should include a clickable link sending you directly to the proposal page.

6. Add contracts.
We wouldn't need all those scammer tags and people would feel more secure when trading or lending gold to others.

7. Words in article titles in Top News should not be cut in half if they do not fit in one row.
I thought of suggesting this after I saw an article with the word "analysis" cut in half (and you know what it looked like).

8. Apostrophes and parenthesis do not appear on articles and news feed.
Make them appear everywhere.

9. Outside links are not clickable.
Make them clickable but add "(outside link)" after every one of them so we know we have to go to another site to check it (or maybe add a warning when we click the link).

10. Something's wrong with the battle ribbon. 
I may be wrong but I think I've seen sides that have done 30% damage but still have 0% in the ribbon (also I don't know if ribbon is the right word for it).

11. Add the ability to save articles.
I have several articles bookmarked, but it would be much better if we could save them in-game and have them appear in our profile sort of like currencies and friends.

12. Warehouse is named "Storage" in the menu.
Either name it storage or warehouse, but make up your mind and choose only one of them.

13. Make it possible for employers to change employees wage.
Salaries in job markets and currencies fluctuate so employers should be able to adjust to those changes.

14. Tables in articles do not work.
I tried it once and it showed a complete mess once I published the article. Apparently bullet lists and numbered lists don't work either...

I might be wrong in some of my suggestions and there might be simpler solution to some of them but I think overall, if these suggestions are taken into consideration by administrators, they could vastly improve the game.

Thanks for reading!


Tito Argentifirewall

評論 (7)

Pole- Send me gifts. Smile
Itakyry sent you a gift as big as your tits XD
And most important MOVE MAP TO MAIN MENU, it s no community Cheeky No but seriously possibility with trade-window at least and put up CC, gold and items on that both parties has to accept... also it should include houses since house, DS and hospital cannot be donated... dont get a reason why it shouldnt be able...
Number 5 ASAP!!!!!
please make notification and mail on phone.. : (