刊登在 France - 社交娛樂 - 25 Jul 2016 04:36 - 50
Dear France,
I want to start by saying that if the decision would be taken by French players, i would respect that, but it's not !
A group of peoples did that from shadow and i will expose them in this article.
Last month when Shiro became SC, he removed HQ access of 3 peoples, Carapicho, ktab and Tyrael because they refused any position in the leadership of alliance ( at least that's what we heard ).
Sadly, those 3 have a savage apetite for revenge and they would do anything to punish Japan, even if that hurt allies and friends the most. We can only guess that's the reason why ktab and Tyrael moved to Germany, country which they control.
The real public conflict started like a week ago when SC of MDP, Shiro, gave France a warning for not respecting priorities and Edmeroth became mad (he had every right to be).

Few minutes later, the man from shadow suddenly appears on public MDP channel and ask for explanations.

How did he had access to Summit talks? Who told him in such a short time what is going on in MDP? For sure someone(or more) in actual government follow him and told him everything that happned there, at that time i started to have doubts about him manipulating everyone to achieve his goal, which is punish Shiro and Japan.
Later they started to do propaganda about not being fair with Ukraine, that they wanted a new charter which limit SC power, also they wanted permanent HQ membership for France-Turkey-Greece (Cara-Kinsc-Ktab - all i got is hunch).
Of course peoples voted no for their suggestions, they proposed terms which are NOT equal for all members and the only benefit would be to those 3 countries(actually 3 players) who would take control of alliance.
Short time after, i had a talk with someone from actual French government, a great guy which i can't mention cos i made a promise, but i will quote him:
1."The ukrainian issue is just a false excuse,the problem is internal and not with foreign policy and we dont want to publish our problem for the public world. "
2."The problem is that a big part among those who want to quit MDP want to make peace with serbia and let Italia go "
I can not prove that, all i got it's my word that i received such info and i hope you will believe me.
Another thing i want to talk about is plotting against MDP, allies and friends before leaving the alliance, plotting made by a non-government guy, Carapicho.

Strange how everything happen like he wants even if he claim he have no power, right?
Fyi, we are making daily proposals to Ukraine to bring them back on the map, we hate to keep them deleted as well, but it's kinda impossible to make a deal with them cos they are not willing to accept one term, which is: "Don't fight against Turkey". Rest of terms they agreed, we just put pressure on this one cos it's part of MDP strategy.
For the sake of France,please open your eyes and see what's going in your own country, you have old friends in MDP, friends which you betray their trust by following Carapicho's plan.
I literally love French players.. Agamemnon, Dorian Grey, RAF are few of those guys which makes the game better, at least for me. Of course i would like to keep being allied with France, but not if that means to leave other friends behind, not that way.
I'm confident when i say that most of MDP members awaits France back in MDP, but first you would have to get rid of corrupt puppets from leadership of France.
Whatever you do, i wish you all the best France!
Your eternal friend,
AncestralSultan Haydar BasKinyasno0bsailbot評論 (50)

Cry, u know what is coming

notre respect pour la France! 

That s not crying and i don t know what s coming, you neither 

Expel Shiro! He has a big-boss complex! His d*** must be really small. XD

In France, We are all Carapuppets

here comes the river

Actually it s not happening like he was wanted. He s not the one who take the decision to leave MDP.
A lot of french people thinks that Cara is taking too much decision by himself, president or not.
We re not blind. But MDP is taking a way that France don t want to be a part : Country wyper.

Hinhin. We vote in France to get out of MDP, regarding their priorities. I laughed because you start to say 3 players made it in shadow, then you speak of what you ve heard. Just keep the facts in mind, not what they say.

cryyy me a riveeer

battlehero, a moderator that involves in politic and polemic

- the man from shadow - ROFL

Actually we are not like the best shadow shiro and naki. We are just a guys who made a good things in this game for our countries and our friends. When shiro elected as SC because ktab leaved we were there as a advisor but they kicked out us.. And then personally i got that idea good because some people were there that i didnt like. I left my country because internal issues not MDP issues. I just didnt want to play with E-TR players but after i saw theres a threat to germany they got my attention to be against them. Like you said we are only 3 peoples so why is this bothering mdp or you so much ? you are thinking citizens are idiot to rule carapicho or ktab or my decision to follow without question ? leaders can rule but there should be a reason to have them. oh and im fucking inactive since i left my country ( even you can see me in germany goverment ). Just checking articles day by day and selling some flying bullets. Whatever we cant explain our memories in a single comment. i found this article very unnecessary.

Έξω πάμε καλά


And i like you too, but guys, already when i was CP of France the terms of the alliance was : France will not wype anybody. After few months, you re here, deleting some countries, and not little countries, countries who makes the game better, like Ukraine or Hungary. This is not what we said, this is not what we want.

Nice try... but too late.
Next time MDP members should think about how they treat each other. The real brotherhood on the other side where we respect each other 

https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/8097 so sorry to see what you become after that time s
i really had much honour to be your countries friend. after your articles about traitoreness japan
but now no word s
you country become one of it s bit*** when they next time will return to serbia do not ask us friendship. allyiance is maximum now in our relatonship. actually those 3guys where who saved japan not be wiped be ukraine
at least have some thankth japan
they have no dignity and hole MDP are geting similar to them. nice to see france still stand s on right side

Finally! Someone had to say it...

To make it clear, i am not defending Japan or Shiro, i criticise Carapicho s behavior, if he wanted to take Japan out he should do it politically asking for members support, not by leaving alliance and betraying friends.

blame japon ! 


Just leave the politics bro, they will not understand anyway. Legendary days have ended. It is time to leave our chair to someone else. I can truely say that, Japan is one of The greatest ally of this game. They never bitching, or crying, they rule, give effort, be with his allies. True proffessionality

Why are u writing if u don t read answers ? Carapicho isn t the one who take the decision...

Arkh, believe me you are wrong in that comment. Your President is misleading you, unfortunately. Feel free to ask my any question you like in PM so that I can inform you.

Battle Hero talking about betray ? Romania is land which was first betryed their friends in this game.
Congrats France and good luck in future.

Well, that was a decision taken by Congress Members of France. So we all should stop complaining about France and Carapicho.

now you know what JAPAN means in your alliance xD

That s quite crazy what I read in comments ^^ people who don t even know what happens in France are talking about french politics ISSOU

Well your info is wrong.. We were offered advisor possition and second day kicked from HQ. Also i had moved to Germany half a month or more before elections. Check my application approval. Finally i do not control Germany but obey their requests.

*popcorn* yammie yammie

And another thing, since i left MDP server i would not return for any reason even this permanent shit you talk about. When i m out of somewhere, i m out for good

japan at its best, again. Who need enemies when has Japan as an ally?

-- Dorian said: ^countries who makes the game better, like 0kra1ne^ -- me laughed : S

y u so butthurt MDP?


i think the problem is: when your leader is a jerk in a country, you impeach him, you don t leave the country...Alliance could do the same thing.

too much drama....... why not?
this thing that make this game more interesting.. lol
please more war.. ^_^

I m so Powerful
Thanks BattleHero to think that i m behind everything that happened in France
Even if it s not true, i m happy to know that all think it is
. You wanna know next french move, just pm me and i will tell you 

I have a pretty good idea what the next French step will be
BattleHelllo, u do too 

Es gracioso por que Japón y shirochi han estado off por días./-/
Mientras aquí se matan entre todos xD.

V c

Hi bro, ever say you that Carapicho have access to French Gouvernement Channel; so he can have all informations.
Thank for your support 

Look... is that a... bomb? Jus kidding frenche people

So many lying..The true about ktab, CP of Germany https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/12044

in other words - BLAME JAPAN 

@BattleHero is an actively playing moderator who now seems to be quite annoyed. Actually, worried.

I think French players made a good decision when they left MDP. MDP is full with backstubbers, liars, manipulators and with coward countries who sell their own mother for 2-3 more bonuses. France is a great nation in this game, with clear principles and this is respectable for me.

Power trips by alliance leaders are more than enough reason to leave said alliance.

you always write an article when romania is in danger, we all know that . This has nothing to do with France.