刊登在 Canada - 政論分析 - 25 Jul 2016 13:51 - 12

In this article i will introduce eCanada. First of all you can find me on #Canada.erev if you wanna ask something :D

First i will start with Military Units in eCanada:
1.Canadian Special Forces

CSF is the oldest MU in eCanada , now there is 71 soldier. 1st MU by DMG !
They dont have daily supplies , and you can join in if you wanna (dont need to PM anyone and there isnt strenght/rank limit).
The commander is Lopov , he is one great man , and captain is Voja 1389 he is one of the oldest eCanadians...

Chat: #Canadian_army

2.Knights Templar

KT is Elite Canadian Military Unit , there is 11 soldier .
They have daily supply 40q4 food , and weekly supply 50+ q4 tanks. Strongest MU by strenght.
There is strenght limit (2000 strg) if you have less strenght you must contact Amotries , Duchman or Kuranfil(me).
The commander is Kuranfil , and captains are Amotries and Duchman .

Chat: #templars.ca


ADM is new MU , it is created on 197. day ... This will be mercanery unit.
Commander is Vaitape , no Captain.

Now i will represent to you our political party.
1.Sky Force

PP : Sky Force is oldest and biggest party in Canada. We have 77 members, with curent president Vojo 1389. We aren t party where just one player grabs all. Every player can become party president with hard work for
Sky Force have 8 congressman (72.73%)

2.Communist Party of Canada

I dont know what to say for this couse PP didnt give me correct answer if you wanna to learn something more just go on wikipedia and type this party name...
Communist Party of Canada have 3 congressman (27.27%).

So guys and girls if you like this article go S+V+C and come to eCanada :)
_Qurcika_Max Kirbipikavac93評論 (12)



haah kako jake ponude
a tek ovaj lik sto je uzo nadimak iz zanata (lopov), bas ste najjaci o7 V ko kuca o7 

@HRabro mozda nismo jaki ovako ali za sprdnju jedni od najboljih , a pogotovo dok tlachimo nejachnog shaumu 

good. go fight win knight templar



