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刊登在 Italy - 社交娛樂 - 13 Oct 2016 23:38 - 1

Hussain embodiesthe perfection of human values. He gifted the indigent and poor, gave to the
needy, clothed the naked ones, fed the hungry, relieved the debts of the
indebted, caressed fondly for the orphans, and aided the needy. He broke manyprevalent social archetypes so that the values he holds dearly would remain as
a reminder for others that when faced with a choice it is our morality as
humans that should prevail, and this is the legacy that he leaves behind for
billions to follow. Hussain inHistory His life cannotbe regarded as belonging to the normal flow of human history. This fact must be
clearly kept in mind, as he is a special man who is in reality outside the
realm of natural human history; he provides one of the focal points of history
itself Hussain was noordinary human being; he was a man who served humanity until his demise.
Hussain’s historical significance can be found in two forms. First, to the
modern secularists, Hussain’s life and revolution is seen as a noble, selfless
act not just for his own people but to serve as an example to humanity as a
whole. Secondly Hussaincements his place in history with the intensity of human emotions, which his
story evokes within billions across the world.(Mahatma Gandhi(Political and spiritual leader) writes: “I learned from Hussain how to achieve
victory while being oppressed.”)


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