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刊登在 Italy - 社交娛樂 - 13 Oct 2016 23:43 - 0

61 years p from Prophet (Pbuh)’s immigration and now Imam Hossain (Pbuh) who has been trained by Prophet (Pbuh) to carry Imamate flag of Ibrahim and Mohammad (Pbuh)’s mission. So,he can lead human up to the light gates.
Army of light and the call of right and rightness are in oneside and army of dark and the call of darkness and foulness are in another side. Sun of Ashoora is looking to this bloody battle and red war. It’s Ashoora noon, and Karbala desert is terribly hot.
The sun is crying on the bodies, which have fallen on the earth, and on the corpses without shroud, and on the bodies without head and hand.
Yes, all the followers of Imam Hossain (Pbuh) accepted martyrdom and found comfort on the bloody bed of self-sacrifice and martyrdom in order to awake all the neglectful men of the history.
Yes, it is the beginning of the first day of Moharram, bloody and the epic month, one year pes from Mohammad (Pbuh)’s immigration.
An immigration, which made firm the weak bases of Islam in Medina and encouraged the fresh hearts of the Muslims.
This immigration was a new birth in Islam history.He immigrated in order to teach the movement and rising lesson to the Muslims and future generations.
He selected immigration in order to say: “O’ man you have a  mission, you are trustee of God, you have a great responsibility.
You must be prepared,choose your fortress and do your duty. You must do your mission and you have to prove your slavery that you are God’s slave.”
Moharram is the immigration month and Ashoora is the manifestation of immigrants’ immigration.
We must learn the immigration lesson from God’s immigrants and walk on their way and go toward Allah.

Imam Khomeini has started his words with one narration of Holy Prophet (SW): “ I am made of Hosain (Pbuh) and he is made of me,” which means that their lives were soociated with each other. The enemies wished to wipe out “Banihashem Tribe” and they wanted to manipulate the people of this tribe. In fact, they wanted to wipe out Islam and to form an Arabic country. The thing that led to this fact that every body including the Arabs, the Persians and generally all of the Muslims found out that there is another story behind all that and it is beyond the problem of nationality, being Arab or Persian …etc. But rather, it is about Divinities (God and Islam)THE HOLY PROPHET’S PROGENY SACRIFICED THEIR LIVES FOR ISLAMPreachers should speak with people whenever the time is right. While doing so, and along with talking about the top stories of the day, they should inform people of the moral and Islamic issuesThey finally should lament for a long time. It should not be short. These tasks should be done as just they were done before. This would include lamentingcomposing poems and writing essays about attributes of the Holy Prophet’sprogeny as well as their sufferings which they tolerated, so that people get prepared and acknowledged. They should know that all innocents Imams devoted their lives for promulgating Islam. If they wished to choose a conservative manner, everything (any materialistic need) would be available for themHowever; they sacrificed their lives for Islam and they did not give up their campaign with oppressors.WITH OUT IMAM HOSEIN (Pbuh), WE WERE LOSTImam Hosain is omnipresent. “Every land is Karbala”. Everywhere is his kingdom. All of the altars of the prayers belong to him. In the case of his absence or if he were forgotten, so many undesirable events could have happened: Yazid , his father and their successors could deny Islam. A tyranny regime was piling up his presence, outside, for Mo’avieyeh and Yazid were going to introduce a tyranny regime to the people. In the case of Imam Hosein’s absence, the tyranny regime would be enforced by them. They could deteriorate the society to turn it to that age of ignorance. And now my nation and I would be the Muslim with tyranny style not in Imam Hosain’s style. IMAM HOSSAIN (Pbuh)(THE LORD OF THE MARTYRS)
AS AN EXAMPLE OF MARTYRDOMIn these mourning ceremonies held to commemorate Imam Hosain’s memory, the one who had sacrificed his life for God’s sake and achieving his satisfaction, along for the sake of his friends and children had purified the young men who leave for the war battles, seeking for martyrdom. They are proud of Martyrdom and if they cannot achieve it they will get disappointed. It had also purified the mothers so that when they lose their children in war, they will say we have another ones at home.IMAM HOSSIEN’S FUNCTION IN UNIFICATION OF THE NATIONAll of the lecturers (and also we) should bear in mind that if there were no Ashoora’ movement, today we would not be the winner. This unity which served as the origin of our victory, is because of these mourning ceremonies and those which held for promulgation of Islam. The lord of the oppressed, paved the ground for the nation in order to supply them with convenience and there would be the ease of unity, for this gathered people. HAZRAT-E ZEYNAB’S FUNCTION ON DESPISING BANI OMAYYEHWhat is one’s special duty in Moharram? How about the scholars and the great lecturers?What should the other social cles do? The Lord of the martyrs (Imam Hosain), his followers and his progeny had determined this duty and provide us with the right way:To sacrifice in the battles and promulgation in the society. Hazrat-e Imam Hosain’s sacrifice considered by God as precious as the lectures of Hazrat-e Sajjad (Pbuh) andHazrat-e Zeynab (SA) .They taught us , that the women and men should not be afraid of the tyrannical regime . Hazrat Zeynab (SA) made a stand against Yazidand she despised him to the degree that no one had experienced such a thing before. Her lectures in Kuffa, Syria along with that of Imam Sajjad (Pbuhclarified this point. The problem is not about the battle between good and evilThe tyrannical regime wanted to introduce Imam Hosain (Pbuh) as the one who had risen against the ruling government directed by the Caliph who is appointed as the Holy Prophet’s substitution. These facts were revealed to audience by Hazrat-e Sajjad (Pbuh) and Hazrat-e Zeynab (SA). 


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