刊登在 Turkey - 社交娛樂 - 27 Oct 2016 00:48 - 20
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CFTZ is Turkey
Kardeş bayrağımızı osmanlı bayrağı gibi yapmışsın ne o öyle ? Google a bayrak kanunu yaz bak bari.
@mBISON is right, also we have CFTZ
Nasipute es kuti
(: (: (: 28 şubat
You are just fooling yourself mate.
Those who wants to know these already know, those blind mf*ckers who wants to blackmail ignore it already. So, unneccassary but great one
son maddelere doğru bi sıkıntı başlıyor gibi şimdi ilk ikisi doğru da
bi danimarka değil
I dont get it whats the point of writing article where you just copy youtube video or some image...
Really? Turkey is sooooo much safer than all of these countries then why did they have a coupe a few months ago? Or how about the beheadings of Christians and Jews every month? Also doesn t turkey buy oil from ISIS? Yeah, this video is for fools do the not believe this BS.
such real life articles are not necessary, I personally know that Turkey especially Antalia is nice and hospitable for tourists but other than that I don t care about real life politics
@Verenor thanks for reflecting the reality. @brycekelly wtf you talking about beheading its illegal in Turkey. Please learn the truth before commenting you are just proving how clueless you are.