The British Messenger

刊登在 United Kingdom - 政論分析 - 27 Jan 2016 13:14 - 5

The British Workers Party
Established January 2016


Get prepared. Put the kettle on, get your feet up and relax, because you're about to read our vision for the future of our green and pleasant land.

We will pull no punches in getting the best which you deserve. We believe that change is needed, and we will strive to ensure that we our your vessel for forcing change in parliament.

I believe that The British Workers Party are that alternative.

Our Society

I believe Britain should be a stronghold on the world stage. At present, we are limping behind other countries. As a representative in congress, I will promote eRev Britain, and show the world that we are the greatest land to reside on. I will enlist a member of my party to promote Britain on social media and on forums, which will increase our lation, increase our strength and increase our fiscal health.

Our Economy

Finances are important to everyone. We all look at our bank balances and strive to keep in the green. I want to ensure that you are never in financial hardship,  and you are able to run your businesses, and find employment easily for a living wage. It may sound simple, and that is because it is.

We have a clear and concise vision for a prosperous Britain where everyone can afford to a house, food, a tank or to expand their business. As for the current minimum wage, we feel it is far too low. Why should you work for only 1.00 GBP per day? Everyone needs an incentive to work, and a low minimum wage is not an attractive proposition. I believe that with a higher minimum wage, it will completely change the financial profile of our country and it's people. I myself empioy people on 6.50 GBP per day, and am proud to.

Our Current Government

I created this party to be an alternative and REAL choice for Britain. Where is your choice when there is only one ruling party? Where is the choice when there is no solid opposition to decisions which weaken our position in the world? Where is the choice when you are just electing the same type of politician from the same group who have a lax attitude towards governing our country? There is no communication between the Government and the people of Britain. Where is the information about where your tax money goes?

- Why did our president transfer 30 gold from the countries coffers into his own account? This amount of gold could help build 30 farms.
- Why did our president transfer 2200 GBP into his own account?
- Why did our president convert 3000 GBP into 15 Gold?
- Why did our president transfer 3000 GBP into his own account?

No Answers. Unless you're part of the Status Quo, of course.

The British Workers Party promises a constant line of communication between us and you. The current administration are not being clear about what they our spending OUR money on.

Our Military

I am PROUD of our Military. We have one of the greatest military establishmentson the planet. However, I feel change is needed. Why are we being made to fight in other people's wars? And why are we being placed into mutual protection packs with countries who are constantly at war with one another? How will this protect us? It will more than likely create enemies.

At present, I am in discussions with the President of Ireland. Ireland wishes to united Ireland by any means. I will strive to prevent another bitter and bloody war between two neighbours who share common interests, values, and even blood. I don't want to see blood spilt. International relations will fracture, and Europe will crumble. A stronger Britain means stronger ties between other countries.

Closing Comments

I hope I have now shown my dedication to eRev Britain. I believe I have the right skills to lead Britain. I know that the people of Britain deserve better.

If you believe that The British Workers Party are the party for you, then please join. We are welcoming to everyone, and everyone will be entitled to their opinion and can truly mould the future of our party, which in turn moulds the future of Britain. Britain is nothing without the great people who live within it.

Thank you,

Alan Kirk - Leader of The British Workers Party.


評論 (5)

Nice article,and to be honest it has fair points on certain things.Especially the bottom of the article.If we want strong erevUK we must be united,and to take care of our citizens.
Excellent article - long live the Worker's Party!
Well way to sour the political mood less than three weeks into the game Aian. "There is no communication between the Government and the people of Britain" - Simply untrue. I have been delivering regular updates on the MU feed about what I have been working on- almost the entirety of the UK are in that feed. There hasn't been enough cause to write an article to catch the remaining tiny amount of people. "- Why did our president transfer 30 gold from the countries coffers into his own account? This amount of gold could help build 30 farms. - Why did our president transfer 2200 GBP into his own account? - Why did our president convert 3000 GBP into 15 Gold? - Why did our president transfer 3000 GBP into his own account?" Well first off, the president can only transfer money into his own account, thats simply the way game mechanics work. All members of congress were informed as to the reason for the laws and they approved them. The 30 gold was used to build two food factories and one food RM company. The 2200 gbp was transferred as part of changing currency for some eUK citizens. Essentially they sent me 10g which was put into the treasury, and then re-issued as currency and transferred to them. The other two proposals are the same thing for a later group of citizens
Thank you for the response Slagaway. I also appreciate the article you just wrote. There are answers, but in my opinion, the MU feed is a difficult platform to find past information due to the scrolling feature. It's essentially a chat room. You found this article, you may even subscribe to it. A far more efficient way of finding information! I am not trying to sour the political mood, I just want to know what it's being run as it should be and the information is readily available.
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