刊登在 France - 教育指導 - 01 Nov 2016 03:26 - 80
First of all we would like to congratulate winners of XII challenge - Congrats, and next XII challenge will now be based on hits, not on damage.

Secondly, we have implemented new Store for VIP players visible near missions only to them. Players that have bought over 1000 Gold will be able to use it. If you have bought over 1000 Gold, you will get one Diamond a day to exchange for free worker token,1 RPG, or 3 diamonds for 1 energy drink. Diamonds have to be used each day, and will not stack. For over 2000 Gold bought players get 2 Diamonds a day, for 3000 they get 3 diamonds a day, etc.

Next, we have added a new kind of medal - True Revolutionary medal which you can get by fighting in resistance wars(for rebel side) all over the world. If you are fighting for your country, damage for this medal will not count as it will go to your TP medal progress. Reward for this medal is 5 Gold, starting damage needed is 5 M damage, and will increase by that much for every next medal(for second medal you need new 10M, for third you need new 15M damage etc). You can see progress for next medal on your profile same as for TP and TA medals.

As for this current event, we have changed the amount of hammers you receive a day to 7, and it is possible to transfer them to next day, but you need to at least open the event page in order to transfer them.

And one final new for today is that we will be raising Beginner Workout area for new players so that if you have less than 2000 strength, you will gain 20 strength each time you train here, and if you have less than 4000 strength, you will gain 10 strength each time you train in this Workout area. This change will be implemented on Saturday.
We hope you will enjoy the new additions,
your eRevollution Team

The BOBOsitorMiltiadosemrex421mingos1995mingos1995damir1982Th3 Eaglestudys評論 (80)




Second no pole

pirinç + voted


aga you like it? lel

Nice !

Is not fair play for new player to hit 5 milion dmg for that medal .

Good job Anandamid o7



Benenah !

Fuck diamonds...

good article 

Go go VISA

money, money, money, money and more money with visa.. this isn t free play game anymore..

To days before i opened the event page; Didn t use any hammer and they were not transfered on the next day...

to have the revolutionary medal you need to hit on resistance war no matter the side, or you need to hit for the occupied side?

NAPATTONMG liked this article

Diamonds in the sky

Is not fair play for new player to hit 5 milion dmg for that medal .

fighting in resistance wars(for rebel side)

exMDP countries kiss goodbye to your bonuses, xaxaxa

Why the fuck a guy who donated money to get 1000 gold needs a worker or one misarable energy bar?

@Nazzgul Because this is the best way for admin to piss off those who pay and those who do not


And when this changes starts?! I have less than 4000 strength and have no Beginner Workout area...

Gj Anandamid :-)
Good update.

plz start True Revolutionary ranking

i will never see a diamond!

step by step, this game will be only for visa player

Good news 

v c

last day of Halloween 301 or 302 ?

good update

nice o7

http://www.youscreen.de/ezoautcxp26.jpg nothing more to say... dear admins next time when you have a stupid idea pls ask jimmy if he thinks if thats a good idea... if he is saying yes you should definatly NOT DO IT...

GOOD admin

Hehehe, yeah buddies, just keep on copypaste
freedom fighter = true revolutionary

I have no Beginner Workout yet...

more advantage for visa players !???

Idiotic move with new medal xD... 5mil? Then double it? Wtf is wrong with you?


To much changes in the last couple of weeks. Game is dying and admins doesn t know how to stop this. Also, Diamond action is another prof that you don t take enough money of this game? What is next, another stupid ideas or new game? It is obvious, you don t have right approach and fresh ideas! It is time to start listening customers, sorry players. Doesn t matter are they VISA or not 


20 mil. only 2 medals. WTF?

and if you have less than 4000 strength, you will gain 10 strength each time you train in this Workout area. What about if i have no more Beginner TG but only 3500 strength, do i get it back?

Traducido https://www.erevollution.com/es/article/17250

TG changes will be implemented on saturday

_ _ and it is possible to transfer them to next day, but you need to at least open the event page in order to transfer them. _ _ ---- whut o.O ---- what is the event page? shall i have to be online on daychange with open pumpkin-window http://image.prntscr.com/image/be02150b8eb24b83a34943bbc3e7f2d2.png ?

i give this game 3 more months until it will die from the greed of admin. o7

EREPUBLIK? only vip

http://prnt.sc/d1ttlr Where it is my 2 TR Medal?

first TR 5mil, second 5+10 = 15mil, third 5+10+15 = 30mil, ...

Well, this True Revolutionary balanced the game, right Serbia? 


Најважније је другарство.

I guess 9 days of +20 strength is better than no bonus at all. Doesn t this mean that it s better for new players not to invest in upgrading Workout Areas until after they reach 2000 Strength? Why bother paying for upgrades to lose a bonus. Put your Gold into companies if under 2k str.



wow, needed my gumboots to wade through all the complaints. whatever. Thanks Admin for the change-ups. o/


We need 1 bilion+dmg for 100 golds
heh... fuck that medal 

I reach 3k strenght one day before this article. And I have 3.2k now and still without beginner training ground :v

Admin(s) should be focusing on new players and not only the ones who pay. If a dozen of Premium Players remain then they will get bored and there will be no players at all.
Instead, new players should be the key element for admins making the game more fun and at the end it will pay off as well because the ones who are paying will continue doing so and some of the new players will become Premium Players as well.
Quite sad that Admin(s) do(es)nt realize the obvious.

when u will put all the countries?

All the admin are shit
