A Hobo's Diary

刊登在 Turkey - 社交娛樂 - 02 May 2017 11:17 - 43

Allright that's it. All these stupid challenges, no advantages for newbies to hold on to the game, completely destroyed economy thanks to stupid events/challenges, and worst of all, the administration isn't even batting an eye; it illustrates a point: the admin team is trying to kill eRevollution.

Two weeks ago, an article named *We dont want this challenge* got over 400 votes, the majority of the game was frustrated because the recent challenges are both hard, and they destroy the economy. We didnt want them to change that challenge, since a lot of players spent 60 gold for tanks and weapons. What we wanted was an easier challenge next week. We didnt get what we wanted. There is another challenge now which is 1500 hits. I have paid 50 gold to get the ships, which is 5x its normal price. Economy is completely destroyed thanks to these challenges, producing anything except challenge weapons is not profitable. I am not even discussing about making profit from hiring workers. 

Newbies have no chance of catching up with the old players, and these challenges are only possible for strong players to complete. Newbies stay weak while old players get +50 STR or INT. So why the admins are insisting on these challenges when they are obviously bad for the game? The answer is pretty clear:

Some people will say that they dont want their own game dead, but I have a reason to believe this: A lot of you know that there is a new game, with pretty much the same mechanics, same interface and even the same admins. Players from that game spammed their reflinks in eRevollution, and they didnt even get banned. Those who got punished received a hilarious ban of 24 hours. Clearly this new game is created by the eRevollution team, and since they cant simply close this game when players are active, they are trying to kill it, and fast. The faster eRevollution dies, the better because they will pay less server rent.

So it comes to this:
-Either eRev Team also created this new game, and they want players to go there,
-Or they have a very bad understanding of competition, because the decisions they make are unwise in terms of protecting their player base.

I really hope I am wrong, but for now I have every reason to believe that. I will still be playing eRev, and hope the team finally comes to their senses. Have a good day eRev.


Merhabalar beyler. Son haftalarda oyundan soğutacak derecedeki saçma challengeları gördünüz. Ekonomi de bu challengelardan nasibini aldı. Kaldı ki iki hafta önceki bir makalede oyunun çoğunluğu olarak bunları istemediğimizi belirtmiştik, ama admin takımı tınlamadı ve oyuncuları bu challengelarla bunaltmakta ısrar ediyorlar. Yeni oyuncular zaten antrenman yoluyla eski oyunculara yetişemezken, bir de bu challenge meselesi ortaya çıktı; eski oyuncu bir şekilde para bulur tamamlar, 50 STR/INT alır arkasına da bakmaz. Ama yeni oyuncunun bunları tamamlamasına imkan yok. Yani güçlü olan güçlenmeye, zayıf olan zayıf kalmaya devam ediyor. O kadar makale açtık tepki gösterdik, ancak yönetimin umrunda olmadı.

Düşünüyorum aklıma başka birşey de gelmiyor, bir insan kendi ekmek teknesine neden çomak sokar? Aslında yanıt ortada: Yeni oyunu hepiniz duydunuz hatta çoğunuz oraya geçti belki de. Grafikler aynı, arayüz aynı, admin ve moderatorler aynı, hatta belki de sunucu bile aynı. Belli ki bu yeni çıkan oyun eRevollution takımı tarafından yapılmış. Adamlar eRevi öldürmeye çalışıyorlar ki millet oraya geçsin, eRev için daha fazla sunucu kirası ödemesinler. Onca insan chatte reflinklerini paylaştı, düzgün ban bile atmadılar. Banlananlar da 24 saat falan ban yedi.

Ben bundan iki sonuç çıkarıyorum beyler:
-Ya bu adamlar yeni oyunu kurdular, dediğim gibi eRevollutionu kiradan kurtulmak için öldürmeye çalışıyorlar,
-Ya da harbiden rekabet anlayışları sıfır. Yeni bir oyun çıkmışken kendi oyunlarına çomak sokmakları hiç mantıklı değil.

Umarım yanlış düşünüyorumdur, ama şu an için benim görüşlerim bunlar. Esenlikler diliyorum, iyi oyunlar.


Sultan Haydar Basd0ct0rward0mFallenAngelTricky DickEl ProfesorPatroklosTopSecretEl viejo

評論 (43)

agree, they kicked biskvits ass with a reason...
http://prntscr.com/f3bvwz sal princi Smile
I agree.. i have money but i am not doing challenges for 2 weeks already.. it is just wrong and stupid
i love the challenges, i built 5 q1 shipyard during the discount, and i sold them in the first day of the challenge, why you paid 50G to finish it, and i just make lots of gold and i can finish it? Laugh
I think the first option is the closest to the truth
voted o7
new player s energy are not worth any gold, they can use them to build q1 factory and use them, and challenges made the price growth up, it is a chance for new players to use their 10G to make more 10G, not just focus on the INT/STR, they need to learn to balance everything in game, not complain about new players finish the challenges for old players/VISA. that s not make sense
I hate these challenges too. I don t want to be a puppet that does what the admins command to do, every week. It s like: this week buy overpriced weapons and fight with them. Next week buy overpriced warship and fight with them. Next week ... and so on. This game is dying because admins are not understanding what is fun and what is boring. Follow their commands is boring. Challenges should be easy and fast, like do 500 hit with warships. This way you can finish the quest in 2-3 days and have fun as you want for the rest of the time period. But it looks like they want to tell us how we should have fun. You learn that this is not fun when you are a teenager. :-)
@solunsad you are okay with this because you are strong and you can do whatever challenge they put in front of you
It seems we have to write an article for every challenge and event. What a pity!
astapour this article isnt about challenge. I am not complaining about it since I already completed it. This article is about admins and how they ruin the game.
fuck admin
Why do you think Biskvit is no longer Admin Smile They removed the only one who was against advertising new game. RIP Erev.
I agree with you. Biskvit is gone to other game for that
I am sad that i have to agree ...
same thoughts crossed my mind,.. both games could be created by same people.. I will still stick here, and when im done with this game, im done with all similar games, as seriously, what is point replaying game for third time??? Maybe its time for all of us to grow up Smile
@TopSecret +1 Smile
Maybe its time for all of us to grow up Smile (TopSecret - Day 478). Great phrase of the philosopher of this and other similar vices
with the event, the admin kill market visa. Stop crying. JaJaJaJajajajajajajJajajajjajJajahajjJjsjahsjahshajahsjahdhajhahsjahsjhs
I simply disagree with your premise. I have only been playing this game 3 months or so and have been able to complete all challenges that have been presented with ease except one.
If it is not hard it is not a challenge Smile
Interesting theory, voted, after all, it s incredible how that other game is almost like this; if they re different companies, they should sue the people of the other game, but the other is so similar to this that I bet even many parts of erev s source code were reused in it. And it s sad that they re insisting with these challenges, because in comparison with the first game erev is very newbie-friendly, so it would be very sad if it ends...
THIS IS NOT ABOUT CHALLENGES! Read the damn article before you go hurrrhurrdururr mode...
Its not necessary that everyone should complete the challenge! The point of challenge is to get advantage over someone who can not complete it. So I like new system. (My opinion)
Just stupid.... They don t want to kill the game, but just obligated players to buy golds... They exist lot of babys (players with less 2 months in game) who have Q1 ship company. This type of challenge are good for thème, because they can win money.
Key players are players who adapts themselves to new rules... New challenges are quite hard and destabilizes Markets but every shock has the advantage to balance the game in another manner. This is great to see another kind of challenge and everybody can compute trade-offs between investment or not doing the challenge if it is too expensive... Anyway, there are two kind of people, the one who hates any change (same in their life) and people who likes changes and are able to adapt quickly... I think the author is in the first category.
They just want us to buy gold. And y erev is noob friendly with free tg. Will stay in it
totally agree
If you don t want to stay ... LEAVE !
Welcome to Capitalism
boohoo dont complete it then.game isnt free Wink its a pay to win game
Bu yeni challenge olayı oyunu yada oyun ekonomisini batırmaya yönelik olduğunu düşünmüyorum.Tam tersi yeri geliyor ürün bulmakta zorlanıyorum. challenge öncesi kimse doğru dürüst mal satamıyordu bile ( gemi, tank vs.)ayrıca adamlar bu oyunu para kazanmak için yapıyorlar. Diğer oyunda oyunun 7.ayına kadar 5 kuruş harcamasanda olur. Sana katıldığım konu yeni oyuncular bu challenge olayını yapamaz . Katılıyorum ama yapacak birşey yok. Sonuçta oyun bu, Visa gücün varsa yer edinirsin, yoksa diğer oyuna başlarsın. Dediğim gibi 7 ay altın maltın almana gerek yok , ama bu oyunu yapanlar ile diğer oyun yapımcıları aynı olamaz. Diper oyun sadece kopya , yani çalıntı bir oyun. Bu da öle gerçi de... Yani bu oyun öncesinde ki oyun yapımcıları ortak mı ki diğer ( yeni çıkan ) yapımcıları aynı olsun ?
For me you have to stop complaining, all these games make money, and erev is one of the few of its kind that even if you can not spend it you can become strong, contingently to its predecessor, and events are fundamental, I do not know if you have noticed but the price Of weapons,tanks,hely,ship is coming down more and more, if they did not do these events the producers would not gain anything and the game would be getting more and more in decline, the reason why a lot of people abandoned the game was due to the players ,they made it boring, where an alliance has always had the greatest damage to the world and the people got tired and tried to go in the new game to see things change
everybody go to
you say that 50 gold that you payed for 1500 ships are 5x the price they where before the challenge so you mean that before the chalenge 1500 q5 ships costed 10 gold ? O.o