刊登在 United States of America - 政論分析 - 02 Jul 2017 09:50 - 17
This article is a translation from the newspaper TheTruth, by Kinyas. The original article can be found here. I feel obligated to thank my sponsors for making my translation hobby worthwhile of doing in this game. I will be doing the translation in a raw state, that means it can be a little bad at some points, a necessary sacrifice to prevent misunderstandings and avoid claims of manipulation. If you notice a mistake big enough to cause misunderstandings or lead to manipulations, please PM me with your suggestion on how to fix it. To clarify things, this is a MoFA article, and I dont claim any connection to current Turkish government by translating it, and all logos used in the article belong to the Turkish government.
An agreement with France has been announced last night. The terms of the agreement are as follows:
*The terms of the agreement can be found here in the agreement article and they will not be included here.*
In these days as we prepare for war against NEMESIS, we have acquired an advantage by ending war-fronts with France, and by getting them to agree not to fight against Romania - Turkey and Vae Victis. Because as you know, we had already lost the region of Patagonia in a RW, and it was unfeasible for us to continue fighting Délos just for that region. This means we have a new off-hand, and we can focus on countering incoming attacks. The agreement has another important reason, a reason that has been disclosed on our Discord channel.
Currently in Europe, in the regions Vae Victis retreated from, other alliances started small fights for the control of bonuses. For the last two days, France has been fighting against Hungary to help Czech Republic, because Hungary is chasing the Granite and Oil bonuses here. Naturally, France fights against its old ally to protect this Granite bonus.
Meanwhile, as Georgia retreated from Austria regions, they had left the Rubber bonus to Hungary, but Croatia has cut them short, which resulted in another tension.
Lastly, Bulgaria and Hungary both wanted to go for Ukraine regions, which resulted in disagreements between Délos and NEMESIS. Such that NEMESIS is threatening Délos to wipe them out by signing a NAP with Vae Victis. Such a thing is not possible, and it is among the news that Délos will soon have a new shape. Many people in the opposing block have realized that those people who have been complaining about balance in the game do not have balance in their minds, but chaos in Vae Victis regions, and claiming power and bonuses. And now, finally after becoming powerful enough, they have already caused a mess in their ranks due to their behavior.
Last night, NEMESIS countries have proposed NE laws against our country. None have yet to propose a DoW, they have ped these laws in order to fight with bonuses in RWs. Personally I dont expect NEMESIS to attack until they reach 9-10 members. Currently, the opposing block, with Brazil leaving VV, has about 65% of worlds firepower while our alliance holds the remaining 35%. Despite this, they are still trying to get more Vae Victis countries to leave the alliance before they attack. As we have been dominating them for about a year, I guess our name is enough to scare them off, even though we have half their firepower.
We have already made our plans and preparations for the incoming attacks, and for different scenarios. It certainly wont be an easy war for us, but we are enough to at least make them regret attacking us. The expressions of the opposing block is clear, so our goal is to not give the people with such a mindset the feeling of satisfaction. At this point, the distinction between those who call this a game and brush it off, and those that cant stand the mockery against Turks, becomes clear. I want to thank those Turks in Korea for joining our ranks again in these hard days.
An agreement with France has been announced last night. The terms of the agreement are as follows:
*The terms of the agreement can be found here in the agreement article and they will not be included here.*
In these days as we prepare for war against NEMESIS, we have acquired an advantage by ending war-fronts with France, and by getting them to agree not to fight against Romania - Turkey and Vae Victis. Because as you know, we had already lost the region of Patagonia in a RW, and it was unfeasible for us to continue fighting Délos just for that region. This means we have a new off-hand, and we can focus on countering incoming attacks. The agreement has another important reason, a reason that has been disclosed on our Discord channel.

Meanwhile, as Georgia retreated from Austria regions, they had left the Rubber bonus to Hungary, but Croatia has cut them short, which resulted in another tension.
Lastly, Bulgaria and Hungary both wanted to go for Ukraine regions, which resulted in disagreements between Délos and NEMESIS. Such that NEMESIS is threatening Délos to wipe them out by signing a NAP with Vae Victis. Such a thing is not possible, and it is among the news that Délos will soon have a new shape. Many people in the opposing block have realized that those people who have been complaining about balance in the game do not have balance in their minds, but chaos in Vae Victis regions, and claiming power and bonuses. And now, finally after becoming powerful enough, they have already caused a mess in their ranks due to their behavior.

We have already made our plans and preparations for the incoming attacks, and for different scenarios. It certainly wont be an easy war for us, but we are enough to at least make them regret attacking us. The expressions of the opposing block is clear, so our goal is to not give the people with such a mindset the feeling of satisfaction. At this point, the distinction between those who call this a game and brush it off, and those that cant stand the mockery against Turks, becomes clear. I want to thank those Turks in Korea for joining our ranks again in these hard days.
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Bu arada Türkçen çok kötü Kinyas. Dil bilgisi sadece noktalama işaretlerini bilmekten ibaret değildir. Derdini anlatamadıktan sonra noktanın da önemi yok, virgülün de.

NEMESIS liberating the world but arguing about bonuses at the same time. wow

Nice to know they think like this 

its like i say Radical always crying with the same thing..

Thanks for this service FYNh. its always great to disperse information for any purpose, and your clarifying remarks at the beginning are very appropriate. Supported

Such that NEMESIS is threatening Délos to wipe them out by signing a NAP with Vae Victis.
ROFL. Nice propaganda 

Thanks Palmer. Translation was my job back in the day, and I wanted to make some blurry things clear if you know what I mean. As for the acknowledgements, they were mandatory in every translation in my time, so I think I cant drop the tradition. Just keeping the professional uniform I guess ^^


Voted, thanks for translating

Big propaganda here, but still one thing true in the article i want to talk about as Délos SC, if croatia, hungary or other ally s countries still claim regions before sign a deal for it, it will pose problems in our cohesion against VV and made countries outside of Nemesis getting suspicious, as i said to sturmman last time, you have one card, don t burn it.

Interesting. From what I heard the threats were made by the same hot headed dummys that have really no relevance or say on what nemesis does so the should t be taken serious. But giod for France to come out clean and leave the record straight. If anyone should make an agreement for bonus within members of delos it should be them at the beggining of the line deservedly

no NAP with VV was ever claimed by an official of Nemesis, this is false information

Great job! S+V

o7 keep up the good work!

Feto detected!

@Marcial, of course it is false. I am sad to realise the real face of Kinyas so late
Propaganda is so strong..