刊登在 Turkey - 社交娛樂 - 04 Aug 2017 23:04 - 30

There is no such thing as free world, every alliance would fight for supremacy if they have the chance and power without caring about small or deleted countries.
PS: Free our Niggas for the shake of free world! https://prnt.sc/g4m2sy
KavehGigabaubauIkta SolorkBunnyLiuVladyslausThe GuardianThe Guardianpedrosito評論 (30)

that lion look like Kynias xD

New logo of nemesis is a mad cat 

Just look that iranian lion xD

he is bored after farming over a year and people betraying him 

Free world? Only free of common sense :-D @Kaveh, you are obviously obsessed with Kinyas, he put you on the floor so many times, and now you are in love :-p

you are in more love with him I dont see you commenting about fake nations anymore after Noobmando moving to USA and ruining their native community you ve got a problem bro 

Thats romanian empire?


if Serbia wants to keep those regions to remove kebab, then they only need 2 (at most 3) northernmost ones. The remaining 3 (uranium, steel and wood) are christian.

This game from conquering enemys become farming victorious is he which have bonouces not conquring others

@Kaveh, before you start to talk about fake nations and countries check first your country :-p. After all US is now stabile and healthy country with a huge number of regions, and your fake Germany is ruined country with several noobs and their multi families, well known as a rent-core-regions state. Choosing proved losers as MC, SC,... of your alliance is a sign of future collapse. This is The Beginning of the End of Nemesis :-))))

True BH

v c

Is this game so lame now that people will argue over a trolling article? Lmao 

v c

I think that only 1 active player in Nigeria is satisfied with one free region http://prntscr.com/g4o85g

Tepic, they can t accept new citizens when they are deleted, did you thought that there is only one player because they are deleted?

levi you are a but hurt for sure look at your hatred towards Germany it blinded you though you express it any given moment yes you dont cry about fake nations anymore cause it doesnt help your friends anymore for your propaganda purposes
those loser are real fighters in this game giving all they have to make this game better not farming in a almost dead country and crying xD

Battle Hero cry again?

This joke has been made several times about iranians lions, please be more creative

@Kaveh, we are political opponents, so don t expect me to support your political goals. I don t care about Germany, but I enjoy to show that this is a country of losers :-p The truth is hurting you? :-p x2 LOL Your silly play will not save this game. Check the number of online players in any moment and compare it with the number of online players one year before. In order to save eRevolution, a great amount of work must be invented. I see only one good suggestion from Germany so far, Ktabs article about naval warfare. Your contribution was minimal, so far your role was similar to the role of Peaky, average trolls. And start using dots, ask your friends in Germany to teach you what is this, and what is purpose of dots in the text ;-)

what a boring life you must have levi

what a boring life you must have levi x2

Not us you two :-p

You must stop your obsession with me Levi, its not healthy

what a boring life you must have levi x3

germany, country of immigrants and refuges! where are native aries?

@yutukaron, where is Kinyas?

what a boring life you must have levi(shisui) x4

what a boring life you must have levi x5