刊登在 Iran - 政論分析 - 19 Sep 2017 23:59 - 83

Hail Horizon
Hail Iran
Hail Turkey
Hail Georgia
Hail Poland
Hail Argentina
Hail France
Hail Romania
Hail Peru
Hail Republic of Macedonia
Hail Albania
Iran MoFA
ALI13Ace EconomistRebazartarezzizoThe Defiant OneZX2016Dark Boy2ping2ping2pingBlack BusterUltramagicking lebronjamesking lebronjamesking lebronjamesking lebronjamesking lebronjamesking lebronjamesking lebronjamesking lebronjamescyroussinannazarishafagi 385shafagi 385BusterBusterkrytusxfoxMorMorJuice OrtizKing Jack SparrowShaHShayanmantyROahwazzahwazzMorteza EhaftvudhomersimpsonzizilayayolHesamodinPoolmmm18 paMorteza1351Ikta SolorkMandoeCarterKing ElessarKing ElessarKing ElessarKing ElessarKing Elessarmmahdifarbod261ArtaArtaArtalmperiusSiPaHiAvicennaAvicennaAvicennarednimGrizzly021Grizzly021CastaFyoreEReJSNomercisevenTheThomas1805necromancerKelolmayankemalApokaApokaApokaApokaApokaApokaNima1260PratinoPratinoPratinoAdriano Miftaraj評論 (83)


damet garm aali bod mesle hamishe o7


Hail Horizon

Hail Horizon

good one

Hail friendship, hail allies, hail horizon.

واقعا عالی بود . چه زحمتی کشیدی دادا برای تهیه این مقاله . ان شالله بچه ها مون ببینن و بیشتر؛ خودشون و قدرتشون رو باور کنن. Hail Horizon


loneliness , good or not?

بسیار عالی ممنون بابت وقتیکه گذاشتید دوست عزیز

@loneliness not

Hail Horizon
thank You o7

Hail Horizon

خیلی ممنون از مقاله های خوبت علیرضا جان، با این مقاله ها بازی رو جذابتر میکنی

@Buster جای مقاله های زیبای خودت خیلی خالیه خیلی وقته میزان دمیج هفتگی ارتش اهورا را ندیدم

where is taiwan ?

@Jean Epsilon Taiwan is green, you can find it

به به افرین

دمت گرم . عالی بود . انصافا به این میگن مقاله . قشنگ میتونی یه پایان نامه دکترا بدی باهاش

بسيار عالي بود، ممنون. موفق باشيد.

خسته نباشید واقعا مقاله خوبیه . hail horizon

@ahwazz لطف داری میثم جان جایت خیلی خالیه امیدوارم بزودی شاهد دمیج های نجومی ات باشیم

عالی بود ، خیلی مقاله پرباری بود ، اطلاعات عالی میده به ادم در رابطه با اتحاد ها

Hail Horizon
واقعا تشکر می کنم از شما بابت این اطلاع رسانی آدم احساس غرور می کنه

وزیر خارجه مرسی که هستی



and where is Hungary?

@GecifejuDawe Hungary No Alliance

Good article. v

Hail Horizon

Well this isnt true at all, because you dont want to use your stocks, if you use your stocks game would be different because horizont have more stocks than all 3 alliances combined.

@Peaky Blinder maybe

Hail Iran,Hail Horizon, Hail Sorkhpost


مقاله فوق العاده اب بود معلومه ساعتها برایش وقت گذاشتید بسیار ممنون و متشکر از تلاشی که همیشه انجام میدهید امیدورام این مقالات محدود به زمان وزارت شما نباشه و ادامه دار باشه

Hail Iran , o7

مقاله خوبی بود


Prodajem krmke

Hail Iran

Hail Horizon, o7

Hail Horizon

you mean Hail fyrom

@count zero
) Hail Republic of Macedonia


El famoso stock

Numbers will grow larger on our side soon. See you at the battlefield.

@ktab poor country that you be it s cs


@sorkhpost This is general damage of each country or only damage maded against Horizon?

I think those numbers are for dmg done in last 7 days so that varies a lot. Also Ace is more neutral than anything draining damage from both vv and nemesis

Horizon vs 3 alliances... The tittle is in itself a lie: Horizon surrendered to ACE, signing NAP. Then, your graphs mean nothing if they are damage dealt in last 7 days. Tomorrow you will have different graphs. To conclude, only interesting fact is that Horizon gathers 43% of world damage, while 2nd place has only 34%. So what else do you expect, other than fighting vs the other 2 alliances? They know that if they do not cooperate, we will be back at having VV farming the game for another year, but with another name. Lol Stop being pussies and create a balanced alliance once in your life and maybe things will change.

Hail only one alliance ( proceeds to name all the strongest countries with biggest manpower) yea we are alone in this! (After one and half year of farming on full bonuses) we are so damn strong


So sad amigo.


It s just the damage of each country. I can t see in this article how horizon is alone.

Hail Horizon o7 and shut up enemies

@Imperius Perfect

lmperius.. and other fairytales
Btw do not mess pussycats with lions. A usual mistake your Persian allies often also do.

Hail what? You lose every battle xD

Hail Horizon

Hail Slaves


ktab if a hyena gets wounded or weak then other hyenas eat it. Dont forget that 

Do Not Provoke ACE!

Imperious then you found the appropriate animal for vv 

Hail Horizon


So much fuss, but no answer to what I commented 

@ancestral As you say that s statistics of last 7 days.there are many players in this game, not activated and need to motivate them.we are like Lions, sleeping and waiting for big goal.

lions hunt. They do not sleep and wait. Cows usually do.

@ktab: savage AF. I couldn`t say it better o7


V+S Great Work

Where is Crynias?

s and v. about ACE. Members of ACE were old members of vv and why did we leave ???