刊登在 Indonesia - 政論分析 - 06 Oct 2017 06:27 - 14

It is time for me to move on.. I had high hope in this game , it is pity the game end in the current state.
Further, my last purpose on this game is gone , there is no reason for me to spend my real life time to collect more gold with the sh*t 5 factories limitation. Look at my below wealth , what more should i do with the gold?

These are my wealth :
6 factories Ship Q5
5 factories Ship Q4
1 factory DS Q5
1 factory Hospital Q5
16 factories House Q5
16 factories House Q4
17 factories House Q3
5 factories House Q2
5 factories House Q1
13 factories Heli Q5
2 factories Tank Q5
2 factories Weapon Q5
5 factories Foods Q5
5 factories Foods Q4
187 factories HRM Q5
37 factories WRM Q5
Full TG and Strategy Building
Few millions raw material , few DS , 500ED , few thousand gold, etc
I wish good luck to all the players and I will slowly remove myself and put under sitter..
Erev Day 635

mrcowno0bsailbotchicagolupanpa評論 (14)



Au revoir mon ami wish you all the best in rl

o7 have fun in RL ,hope to see you in some other game!

Good luck 

Sayadora sodaraku o/ gl hf

Take care David o7


tak tung tung .. o/

hahahahhaha.. nunggu rata nih.. dedengkot dah mulai kolap