刊登在 Croatia - 社交娛樂 - 15 Feb 2018 14:00 - 16

But we dont scared. Tomorrow everybody welcome to Croatia,to fight for fre.
Eva BraundrogandrogandrogandrogandroganprytenBolshoispagespagespageRaz0rPony of DarknessBoraxvratarxvratarxElektricarMedoluanstosCostelH評論 (16)

Naprid bili

your newspaper from ukrania your argument is invalid !1!!!1


Hehehe nice Photo, voted!

Vive La France ! ô7

Poor Croatia. As a result of this picture, I will refrain fighting against your country. As such 10 billion damage I will save against Serbia.

Rubin klasicni bogec o7

nice photo

You stand like a hero, Croatian brothers!

Croatia, you will never walk alone.

To all VV-MDP branches; If you want to fight then fight. Dont bring in your childish pride and honor motives into it. Your art of war has none and will never have honor as an attribute. The end.
