刊登在 Japan - 政論分析 - 01 Mar 2016 10:30 - 38

Greetings fellow citizens of eJapan and the rest of eRevollution world,
In this issue of our newspapers we will inform you of the Declaration of WAR against the United States of America, the agreement between Canada and Ireland, and our recent Mutual Protection Pacts (MPPs).
- Serbia
Serbia is one of the many reasons Japan has a strong negative opinion of the EAGLE alliance, mainly because of the way EAGLE alliance relentlessly attacked Serbia with full force for almost 2 months until Serbia last region fell. We decided that it is time to officiate our good relations and help each other.
Republic of Macedonia is in a similar position like Serbia was not so long ago, facing constant wipes and non-stop war with Greece. Japan isted Macedonia before, and it will once again.
Malaysia is collaborating with Japan for some time, and concluding an MPP between our two countries was a sign of our cooperation.

Japan has declared war on the United States of America!

After USA has declined the Non-Aggression Pact (LINK) Japan proposed to them, and attacking one of our closest allies - Ukraine, Japan has decided to take counter-action against USA and declare war on them. Japan urges it's citizens to prepare for the coming battle.

The Canadian and Irish Government have finally concluded an agreement between them.
You can find the article regarding the agreement here: (LINK)
These are the points that were agreed upon:
1) Ireland will keep Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Newfoundland, and Quebec.
2) Ireland will donate 45 gold to the Canadian Treasury.
3) The territories Ireland keeps will be free this term, and can be rented next month for the price the two parties agree upon.
4) Canada and Japan won't interfere with the Irish territories they have from the UK and Canada.
5) Canada will take territories in order which will get Ireland the resources they need for the longest period of time.

And last but not the least,
We want to inform our people and our allies that Japan is giving Chagang region to North Korea in order to help them prosper economically. Please do not hit for Japan.

With respect,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan team:
-MoFA Shiro -vMoFA nakituminayashi

評論 (38)


Why haven't such a "rightfulness country" gave back capital earlier since it has no purpose? 



From Uruguay

Well, at least I knew what to expect from Japan. But I will take pleasure in publicly denouncing Mexico 

Well i equipped my war avatar so i am ready

@Abraham By that you mean our reaction to the attack on UKR?

Nice fail eagle i ll fight with u o7

As North Korean CP, I would like to thank the Japanese Government for returning Chagang to NK. It's a very generous act
. We will open RW tomorrow.


May the country with more VISA player win. :p

Read and voted

@nakituminayashi yes. Ukraine is as a close ally of yours as Poland is of mine. USA reacted to the Ukranian attack against Poland. You reacted to the American attack against Ukraine. It is natural.

Small emperor of small Japan cry in bed every night because he is scared of me! Your trade embargo will not stop me , and free all North Korea territories you fake imperialists, this is 21. century!

@Abe Indeed


Banzai !!!




Enola gay!!!!

now we go to japan 


Ktab, you are a sad little man.


Well I have my big gun loaded i will be waiting for you on the other side Japan

nakituminayashi at least I'm man. You on the other hand have lots of way for this evolution

@Ktab I'm not sure, involving real events like that in which people died en masse in to a game doesn't look good

You did first with nazi compare to EAGLE. Now it's not right? When there is action there will be reaction. Physics.

http://prntscr.com/aanw0l Well, this picture says it all

nope, this is trolling back to your despicable compare. AFTER your article. Make your cheap propaganda only to the idiots that believe you. Thanx

" It's just a prank, bro "

yeap goes both ways