刊登在 Japan - 政論分析 - 08 Mar 2016 14:51 - 10

Dear citizens of Japan,
In this article I will quite briefly inform you of the ceasefire with the United States and the issue with Pakistan.

Japan, together with it's allies South Korea and Mexico has agreed to a cessation of fire with USA and France in duration of 7 days (starting from Day 57). In the meantime the parties that agreed to this ceasefire will have training wars for TP medals. After day 64 the parties that agreed to this ceasefire will negotiate either to prolong the treaty or to go to war again.
The terms of this treaty are:
1. All American core regions taken in the course of war will be returned to the United States except Arizona.
1.1 USA shall take back the regions via Resistance war or direct attack in coordination with Japan, South Korea and Mexico.
2. USA, Japan, Mexico, South Korea and France agree to not attack each other except in the cases predicted in this treaty.
3. France shall declare war to Mexico for the purposes of gaining a Training War with such nation.
3.1 France shall take temporarily Southeast of Mexico in order to make way to Oaxaca.
3.2 As soon as France conquers Oaxaca, France will return Southeast Mexico to Mexico.
3.3 Oaxaca will be used as a French base to switch attacks between Mexico and France for the purposes of the training war.
3.4 USA agrees to loan Arizona to Mexico during the time of this Training war so that Mexico does not lose the bonus provided by sand.
4. Other training wars may be arranged between USA and South Korea or between USA and Japan as long as the attacks are previously agreed.
5. This treaty has a duration of 7 days, ending on the 14th of March (day 64 eRevollution). After the end of this time, all involved nations will gather in order to discuss the continuation of this agreement or its termination.
6. In the event this agreement ends after the condition described in 5. in war, the initiative of the first attack shall be held by USA.
This treaty was also witnessed by Darkwish and Phantom986
The original document may be consulted here: https:///IDpbmQ

Since many people have asked whether this is a training war, I will explain in short:
At the moment it is.
The conversation with the Pakistani CP was very interesting and it would require a great amount of time and effort to explain. But we managed to find a common tongue. We will maintain a training war with them for a few days.

Until next time,
nakituminayashi, MoFA of Japan
評論 (10)







:o o7

"But we managed to find a common tongue." wtf dude? you two take a room 

Just like you and Darkwish 
