刊登在 Iran - 作戰指令 - 29 Oct 2021 12:37 - 24

chemidonam1chemidonam1sepoysepoyno0bsailbotahwazzahwazzahwazzamiramiri338NairobiNairobi2ping2pingodinwarlikewaterhamintoryfaez1377Trumparman9arman9評論 (24)


Thanks Antiterroris
Hail Iran o7
با کسی که نتونه پای حرفش وایسه مقابله میکنیم

We are tearing Greece apart
Hail iran o7

Hail Iran o7

this time we do not agreement with Greece
Hail Iran o7

I know you are desperate and you need land after your country has been wiped for years now,but have some decency and decide who is the bad guy.Greece or Turkey?Do not follow Germans and their blatant low IQ decisions.https://prnt.sc/1xra6s8

Greece should not forget that Iran will never lose. Look at the history of the war in previous years. Cry blood. The outcome of the war with Iran will not end well for Greece. O7

Greece Woe to you

Someone in Iran remembered to pay the VPN bill again.Welcome back Iran.

Thank you, dear Antiterroris o7

@GoDFaTHeR if we use vpn Admin ban us
when we here it means no
and please read article and answer it
you make ridiculous things in every article i means (Nairobi)
i think your crazy

If I decoded correctly the message you are trying to convey,I think you are crazy as well.Thank you for the intellectual discourse.

@Antiterroris i said one phrase and you make an article...never mind...... welcome back in the game ahwazz--faez1377---no0bsailbot

http://prntscr.com/1xrp80q.....now the agreement is broke?...in the name of God ,who is right?.....just tell me

Hail iran o7

Hail iran o7

Hail iran o7

@tsigger first you said me break the agreement Maybe you were drunk because you say I broke agreement

@Antiterroris mate we announced something via tsigger and tsigger is a member of government so
Are you not paid for the regions? you fought against us for do you could ask your commander to change the DO ... Are you suggesting that we scammed you? Or Greece is not keeping her agreements?
Ask your allies that were payed every month ...

-If each country Iran Greece Turkey break this agreement That country will be fined and Countries decide on the amount of fines
first read it after that Signature


Such a rambling article about Battels...

@Antiterroris Thank you that you agree with me and admit that you broke your agreement ... Basically you should publish every aspect of the agreement then it will be clear even to your allies what happend as you were too cheap your allies had more profit ask argentina ...

S108 Thanks