刊登在 Romania - 社交娛樂 - 21 Dec 2021 07:25 - 2

Hi Admin
I came back to the game recently.
Your article many events. However ... it's December, 4 days until Christmas ... where are the events from December ???
We have only one event: MERRY CHRISTMAS &HAPPY NEW YEAR for Christmas and New Year ???
You said that from January 1, all occupied regions are automatically released, and the reorganization of resources by regions, so no one is fighting for the regions anymore.
Give me a reason to stay in the game, NOW, not in 10 days.
Now it's great bor!


Haven't you thought about any New Missions?
You understand that behind the game is a business, but if you want to use the content of this image more often

If you want us active in the game, keep us busy!
Hoping that I made myself understood, we are waiting for new events and missions.
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I would love if erev was really like Farmville and we could customize our farms and pets :s

It s holydays man 😚