刊登在 United Kingdom - 教育指導 - 09 Apr 2016 10:28 - 97
We are updating the raw materials used and output of companies of different quality.

For Food Raw it is reduced to 100|120|140|160|200 by the quality.
For Houses and Hospitals it is reduced to 1000|1200|1400|1600|2000 by the quality in raw material used.
There will now also be a limit of how many companies of the same type and quality you can have to Q2. You will be allowed to make a maximum of 5 Q1 and 5 Q2 Companies of the same type, but once you upgrade to higher quality the limit will go away.
If you greatly exceed this number of Q1 or Q2 companies, you can write to support and we will refund you the gold.
Also some other changes:
- Introduced a new label Scammer for known scamming users
- Easier selection of Resistance War for a country
- Map updates 3x faster
- Added shortcuts for accessing different pages:
'Shift+q' => profile
'Shift+c' => companies
'Shift+w' => training grounds
'Shift+s' => storage
'Shift+t' => market
'Shift+u' => military unit
'Shift+r' => party
'Shift+n' => newspaper
'Shift+m' => map
We wish you a great day,
eRevollution Team

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Voted lol 

The end Farm of Heli

ne diyor burda bende resimler açmıyor
ne gelmiş gine

Are U crazy?
set a limit of company is an insult to the player who like play with the economic modules!


ahahha yea sure so 205 q1 heli factories which Japan have will go waste?ahahah good joke.Well put limit and Japn is gone from this game.Tnx o7

Well, I have a lot of q1 food companies, AND same amount of RAW FOOD COMPANIES. Now if you dont allow me to have those q1 food companies, then you have to REFUND for raw food companies too. Because I bought them to fill the need with raw, for the food I produce. Refund for the raw also

This gonna kill game !

Admin just tell us if you need TRS goes off why you make it hard to say it?


yes! o7


Another thing u change in middle of game, after some other people already took advantage. Dont wont anithing to say, just waiting for proper time to leave this...

I smell Update canceled!-message in the end of this article. That s really a joke. A q5-wep will produce same dmg. as q1-heli. 

no guys, this will kill only donators who have 100, 200 or 500 companies

Hehehe pa vi niste ozbiljni 


You need more players in game. 5 visa player may win one battpe so this is not interesting anymore :3

it s amazing I like it alot!

This is good update
With q5 wep you have abillity to raise q1 tenk company, so although smaller dmg with q1 tank, you can sell tank and slowly improve tank company so eventually you will come up to q3 tank which will give you more fire power. same with tank-heli.

if you do this
i suggest a 50%off company upgrade event


Thank you Admin !

Byby japens bugs heli and you dont like it gz admin this is good för everyone

Why so butthurt deadly ?

I guess this is one way to try to negate the q1 heli companies fiasco!

Admin, why you just punish those helibuggers?

Kada ce popust na firme ?

Not bad updates indeed. I support this idea o/

Failed update again, but ok its your game u can do whatever u want.

Well, since I still have the q5 tank Company, I think it makes sense to start producing, since it makes more DMG.


i support this. cuz spamming q1 helis were bad idea. now we will see your damages bruh.

This is good update thnx o7


I like them. But you have to check what you will do with national orgs or accounts. TBH this should have been your first thing to do in this game. Countries actually have no administration tool
Check here: http://www.erevollution.com/en/article/4406

I don t understand anything of your tables lol.


And ADMIN, if I work in q1 Company, normal production is 10, but with 100% it goes to 20. But working in q5 Company normal is 20, but with 100% is 30. So it rises only By 10?

damn thats a hard impact on my calculator...-.- i nearly have to change every line... ;_; on the first look it looks possible... at wich speed you want to change the damage calculation? every week a new step or larger steps every month?


Wtf is this shit?

Good update

Stop r@ping the game...

Admin, why you write article when You drunk?



Good update. But the cost of houses remain very high

Drama Hype !
Good update as always
Keep going

@ admins q2: 240 raws needed/ 22 products produced= 10.90909 raws needed per product... the other qualitys (except q1) have same ugly numbers... are you trolling me? 

Good update for me even if I invested houses and heli companies for our nation. it s fair because anyone can get refund. I think this update can help new comer and poor users. it s meaningful update for this game.

Good changes!

it s nice,now the economic module will have some logic,Q5 factory need to be more retributive than Q1 and the thing that u can t build 100 Q1 but have to uprade them help making the game more fair for everyone for the first time after the heli bug

Stupid and useless updates...Will you stop killing the economic module?If you continue with this this game will become like eR**U*L*K ...


start Erevollution2? hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaa


F ****(** off

Reduce the damage of weapons and inactive tank heli factories. Otherwise there will be no balance in game

Is this a joke? Scammer LABEL?? Why not permaban for all present and future accounts of these?

If you greatly exceed this number of Q1 or Q2 companies, you can write to support and we will refund you the gold.
Why is that? Why refund gold to the ones that got so much gold from this feature? Will you refund us too that build all companies up to Q1 heli and then demolished? I don t think so. So NONE GETS REFUND

Again ktab crying 


10 Gold refund for q1 helis only with no option to degrade, only that amount is spent on Q1 helis, since 90% of q1 heli factories are product of a BUG

again w1zL mourning

? wtf, are you joking with us? :/

Limit companies dont make me laugh! Just balance the outout of the factories.....

OMG, only Amaterasu members are crying, LOL


bad update


ну знову якась фігня...

Nice works admin team !

its good to me
if u want more comapny u have to update it and it will make game better and help it to improve
for now eveyone make q1 foods and sell energy and there is no q3-q4-q5 companies ( not too much )
its make us upgrade our companies 

not fine, for italy is best, but is uncorrect for players

very good updates

stop crying and enjoy the game. after all admins try to make it better. give them a break

Nice update

good job

good update thnx

i approve this update

q5 wep have 2x dmg and q5 web factory with full worker in a country with full bonus need to 4400 raw for production, q5 heli have 4x dmg and q5 heli company with full worker in a full bonus country for production need to 4400 raw!!! this is balance????? admin must change this update

q1 company have total production 2x if country full resource, but why the fuck q2-q5 comp total production not 2x even it use 2x raw material? so sick

you didnt delete my comps until now... i hope you dont make the giant fail to delete the comps over the day... this way some could use their q1 farms and some not...


So what happens when the limit comes?
U won t be able to work in the sixth copm of a kind or what?
Asking bc U write that we need to write for the refund which sounds that it won t be automatic.
One further update:
For God sake, why when we R on market and we choose some raw matterial we R not transferred directly on it but we have to choose it second time. All raw s R q1 there is no choice!

Good update just let me then sell my heli factory s!

Is a crazy update and is crazy, too that is not written when will be implemented ingame...
But the game is their we can only choise if play or not and if we decide to play if pay o not for gold
But very shoppers win everytime, this update is for their, think about
: (


