刊登在 Croatia - 政論分析 - 13 Apr 2016 09:51 - 20
Third greatest hit, BUT NUMBER ONE TURK FIGHTER!!!

TopSecretvratarxNemetondominiksb評論 (20)

turkish midget xD


ahaahahaha idemo sad Marlock should be banned ahhaha

Што рече Милош Обилић ономад на Косову : Е, Мурате, Мурате, баш си среће курате.

Nemoj da ih vise trolujes vidis da su se rapslakali pa se zale roditeljima, uciteljima a i tuze policiji..
sve ce da nas tuze

Koja si ti kraljina 

http://www.allaboutturkey.com/img/ottoman-empire-1580.gif Ottoman Empire

So funny I forgot how to laugh.

remove kebabs


banned marlock, marlock hurt my little feelings 

yes you right this is game and enjoy with your dreams but dont forget ottoman It blew all of you but never you can forget it and Satisfy yourself drawing losers
DD ı seen you have speacial hatred on ottoman and sultans why ? but ı know why
gogogo funny kid

http://prntscr.com/aru16f Marlock do you know this hero?You betrayed him.

TopalOsmanAga, only you live still in fairy tales, lies and myths. No one ever occupied Croatia and Hungary. Map is for fools like you

Do you primitives can understand that you have NEVER won not square millimeter Croatian and Hungarian country? I m piss on your tales map

The Achaemenid Empire (550–330 BC), founded by Cyrus the Great, was the first of the Persian empires to rule from the Balkans to North Africa and also Central Asia, spanning three continents, from their seat of power in Persis (Persepolis). It was the largest empire yet seen and the first world empire.

constantinople conquest ?
you re nothing in history..! xd

if you can t beat them, join them
