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Persepolis Iran

Persepolis (or Persepolis, Prs·hplys, Hzarstvn hundred columns or Chhlmnar) is one
of the ancient cities of Iran
steadily over the years, magnificent and ceremonial capital of the Achaemenid Empire was the Iranian king. In this
ancient city called Persepolis palace that during the reign of Darius,
Xerxes and Artaxerxes was built and was built for about 200
years. On the first day of the New Year, many groups from different countries
representing Satrapyha or governments gathered in Persepolis with
diverse took offerings and gifts were presented to the king.
In the year 518 BC, Persepolis was started as the new capital of the
Achaemenid at gamers. Persepolis was founded by Darius the Great, Xerxes
and his grandson, after his son
Artaxerxes I by extending the series to expand it added. Many existing knowledge about the history and
culture of the Achaemenid
stone inscriptions and Flznvshthhayy is available for the palaces and
the walls were engraved plaque. Sumner has estimated that the plain of Persepolis which contains 39
residential quarters, in the Achaemenid period 43, 600 people had. Historians
believe that the Greek general Alexander the Macedonian in 330 BC,
invaded Iran and burned Persepolis and probably a large part of the
books, Achaemenid art and culture will be destroyed with it. However, the
ruins of this place is still up and archeology of its ruins signs of
fire and rush to acknowledge it.
This location has been recorded since 1979, one of Iran's UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Sanid kings have left inscriptions at Persepolis on. After the advent of
Islam in Iran saw this place and it's respectable or
forty thousand columns and minaret with personalities like Prophet
Solomon and Jamshid said, and relationship to them. CAdud Daylam Persepolis
inscriptions in Kufic two had a place. As well as other inscriptions at
Persepolis in Arabic and in Farsi is the most recent of which is related
to the Qajar era.
In the northern city of Persepolis, near Shiraz, Fars province north (north-east of Shiraz) is replaced
At a distance of six and a half kilometers from Persepolis Naqsh-e Rustam
is located. Shahnshahany tombs in Naqsh-e Rostam like Darius / Xerxes /
Artaxerxes I, and Darius II is located. Fifth tomb that remains
unfinished and probably belonged to Darius III.
Apart from the creators of Persepolis, Darius, Xerxes and Artaxerxes I, the third
Ardeshir repairs carried out in Persepolis. Tombs of Artaxerxes II and
III were dug in the foothills east of Persepolis.                                                                                                                                       
Structure and Position
Name Persepolis at the time of "gamers" to mean "City Corp" was. Greeks as Persepolis (in Greek means "Pars·hshhr") read. It's in contemporary
Persian palace of Persepolis or mythical King Jamshid Iran called.
Persepolis is in the Sanid era columns (one hundred columns) said.

In Ferdowsi's Shahnameh is provided:
  Jamshid was a just king and beautiful flower on his feet and seven years on
Iran's kingdom. Throne or the throne he was so large that the Court
Shower life.

As you can see Persepolis before Alexander's invasion Khan very nice and very beautiful royal palace in the world that is portrayed to be beautiful all along and fascinated

read the inscriptions carved on stones, thought that this is the throne of Jamshid Ferdowsi has learned from it. That's why
the name of this place gave Persepolis. Later, when archaeologists were
able to translate cuneiform inscriptions, found that gamers was its
original name.
This place is respected in the Islamic period, and called it a thousand
columns and forty Minar and J. ociate with such figures as Prophet
Solomon and Western celebrity Mydadnd.nam this place is the strange
wandering roots Police. In Greek, the police or stroller for their poetic field plu Thewlis
(Perseptolis) title for Tnh goddess of wisdom, industry and war,
devastating cities. This title means Achilles, the Greek poet of the
fifth century before the birth, the mode and pun wordplay, exemplified by a chaotic work in the city of Persians.

The cornerstone of the first
The oldest section of Persepolis, based on archaeological findings related
to the year 518 BC. According Khshtnvshthhay discovered in Persepolis in
the construction of this
magnificent building architects, artists, craftsmen, workers, women and
men were numerous in addition to the salaries of the workers' insurance
benefits were also used. The construction of this large and beautiful sets the narrative lasted 120 years.
Persepolis is one of the architectural arts of the door width, height and the
distance between the two columns golden ratio is the ratio of the height
of the columns. The golden ratio is an important ratio in geometry that
exists in nature. This represents an ancient Iranian art in

UN podium entrance stairs and gates                                                         
The stepped from each side of 111 wide steps and a short (height 10 cm) are. Unlike many historians have claimed that due to the low stairs that horses are
also able to climb stairs, stairs made shorter than usual so convenient
and impressive guests (the images to clothing FAKHER and long
Perspolise on the walls of the package ) when climbing preserved. Top of the stairs, entrance monuments of Persepolis, Xerxes the Great Gate or Gate or Gate of All Nations, is located. The building height is 10 meters. It had a main entrance and two exit gates remnants of it remain today. The eastern and western gates and the winged men plan and design two bulls with human heads carved stone is. The gate at the top with six cuneiform inscriptions have been decorated. The inscriptions of the names of Ahura Mazda briefly states that: "The Bdydh beautiful, accepted the will of Ahura done."
One facing south and the other two output gates are the East and the South Gate of the palace, or Grand Palace once there.

Palaces and buildings

Apadana Palace is the oldest palaces of Persepolis. The palace that was built by order of Darius the Great, to hold New Year celebrations and acceptance of representatives laid related to the king. The House by a staircase in the southwest part of the "House Tchra" or "Mirror Palace" linked. Apadana Palace, which currently consists of 72 columns 14 columns of the palace porch columns rounded bottom, but the bottom remains inside the palace square columns

he image below represents one of the gates of Persepolis! Alexander attacked both before and after the damage has been shown that burned Persepolis Alexander the great destruction! But still big and beautiful
Museum Achaemenid Persepolis
The museum building Achaemenid Persepolis in Iran, which is the oldest monument was restored and the museum is dedicated. The building is one of the palaces of Persepolis. Parts of the building that currently is used as a museum, contains a porch, two galleries and a hall. In porch on the north side of the building and the museum, which is
located at the entrance of the museum, two pier (room and porch walls,
foundations of buildings of stone and brick are) huge stone to a height
of approximately 8 meters and a width of fabric 20. 1 m. weighing about 80 tons located at the front and sides. Each of these two Strgtryn stone pier is a fabric that has been used in Persepolis. Eight wooden columns with the columns of the porch roof Srng·h picks cow. Persepolis Museum in 28 Persian date Ordibehesht 1381 marks the 18 th and May 2002, International Museum Day was inaugurated.
his is a great magnificent Persepolis Iran as soon as possible I hope you are all wonderful places to travel to Iran to feel the power!
Nowhere in the world is not achievable power!

   Be happy and victorious



評論 (15)

S8+V5 =D
gj continue o7
sub+v+sup Wink
Very nice! ő7
PERSIA!! v s
S61+V25 Very good bro! keep it up! Laugh o7
wow great !!
nice one.. GJ
Hail Iranian Civilization o7