刊登在 Japan - 經濟焦點 - 30 Apr 2016 03:46 - 15

Greetings everyone,
Like mentioned in the previous article, Japan has started recruiting workers internationally.

- To work at the company indicated by the Japanese Government
- To be able to work every day
- If you wish to stop working, announce it 2 days earlier

- 45 JPY from the employer
- 10 additional JPY from the Government
- 200 energy every day
- 50 q1 helicopters every 7th day
- Possibility to be paid in gold instead (55 JPY to gold on a standard exchange rate)
If you are interested, please fill this form:
If you have any additional questions please do not hesitate to PM me.

評論 (15)

International Worker Recruitment https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/5452

vV Our gulags are warm.

Why dont you pay with G?
Japan monetary market isnt liquid

- Possibility to be paid in gold instead (55 JPY to gold on a standard exchange rate)


Too low price i know player who give 50 helis in day 

200 energy=0.1g... 50q1 helis every 7th day= 0.27g per day (@0.038g each...) 55JPY=0.385g (@0.007g/1JPY) = 0.765g per day... looks like you need workers for q5 heli comps... 

@RAF mind your own business 

That s precisely his buisness xD

@Gjoemen , 50 heli in a day when a worker produce 20?

@nakituminayashi nah thats boring... i allready have a calculator for nearly everything i need... so i have a lot of free time...^^ also i just said that this is on international job market a very high salary... you can just make profit if you use those workers in q5 heli comps... or q4 but there whould be the profit nearly 0 for you...
@BattleHero 50q1 helis every 7th day... means 50/7=7.15 q1 helis per day... and you dont produce 20 q1 helis with one workforce... you need raws for production too... and if you take that into calculation you get 14.29 q1 helis per workforce (at 100% weapon bonus and q5 raw comp used...) for producing 14.29 helis you need 0.71 workfoce for producing 142.9 raws needed you need 0.29 workforce...

@RAF, i was answering to @Gjoemen http://prntscr.com/az6u7l

Just another international slaves recruiting!
Freedom for Japan!

@RAF We certainly did calculate this and we aware of the costs and our capabilities but you are correct, it is a high salary.