刊登在 France - 社交娛樂 - 10 Jun 2016 12:09 - 66

I write this article to reach the players from both nations, i'm not writing it as CP or representant of Romania, i do it as a friend of many players from both countries.
As some of you know, 2 days ago, after many talks with ktab i finally decided to officially apply to MDP alliance, i will quote him: "your place is among friends".
The same thing i thought, we stood by MDP side even when we had only one region, we fought daily for our allies and asked nothing in return, even when we tried to liberate ourselves and didn't received help ( except RAF and Kami,which i thank them ) we decided to NAP second day so we can accomplish our friends goals.
The only difference i had with MDP was Japan, my hostile atitude towards them affected our relations more than i thought. I have nothing personal against players from Japan,some of them are nice guys, i have a problem with the way they do politics, their unhuman capacities to leave friends behind in middle of wars(hu-ukr war), even if it was good for us(Romania) i dissagree with their ways, we received some regions back because of it but i just didn't saw myself being allied with someone who can betray that way, cos i will never be able to do it. It's not a win for me if i receive regions back or have colonies, i have different thoughts, for me it's a win if i stay on friends side till the end no matter what.
My only official talk with Carapicho was few days ago on discord.gg, when i asked for help in a battle against Hungary, he replied me that i have to join MDP in order to receive help, i asked him if he's joking and told him that it's good to know we can't count on him if we're not in MDP, after that he told me i'm boring and called me idiot, and i thanked him in return.
If i did anything wrong, pardon me, Carapicho .
About Kinsc i could write a whole article but i will make it short, he was the first guy from here who i could call a friend. I share some good memories with him and it hurts to see our friendship gone cause of politics.
Not sure if i've done wrong anything else than being against Japan, if i did you never told me, if it was my mistake then i'm sorry.
Turkey(Kinsc) and France(Carapicho) voted NO to our application in MDP, there were 3 more votes as NO but i'm pretty sure they were from those who like Japan so that justify their answer.
I heard that everyone blames me and my attitude towards Japan to justify their vote, even if i said that once we joined i will keep my personal opinions only for myself and as CP of Romania i will respect every member of MDP as my equal.
The reason i'm writing this is because i don't want to be blamed for how things will go on between Romania and MDP, to be honest i have no clue what's coming next but they made it clear we are not welcome in MDP and as long as our closest friends and allies rejected us i don't want to be there neither.
o7 Turkey
o7 France
Hophop評論 (66)

Justice for Romania o7

This article shouldnt has been written, i m sorry for you o/

You made me sad. Come to pm 

o7 Turkey
o7 France

: (

My friend dont pardon from an idiot (karamalakas) you dont deserve to be out, but you have friends, and dont forget that. We will keep our relations strong as always, and be there when you needed.

Carapicho didn t voted no, I voted no for France.


I love Romania, i can become a Romanian in this game just because Hagi
But it s the right decision. Your article that blaming Greece and Turkey still remains https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/6987 . I always love Romanian people.


I beg to respond personally, not having a government position. What i write, i write it as simple Japanese citizen. I would like to respond to the many exposed arguments, i will try to list them all right. I d like to understand why of your hostility towards the Japanese political management. What you say about the allies is completely wrong. Japan did not abandon Hungary, but unfortunately, and i say UNFORTUNATELY Hungarians friends, who still admire and respect, preferred to take a different way from us. As i mentioned, i am writing from simple citizen, but i admit that i preferred to Hungary with us, rather than Romania, only because of the beautiful co-operation between our countries, I haven t nothing against Romania and Romanians citizens. In your past article i have seen your hostility toward Japan and i m sorry because we have never had to deal, personally i don t allow me to offend a country not having had any kind of relationship. When you were asked to enter MDP, you have refused because there was Japan. Now ask them to get in MDP although there is Japan. Now ask why you need help ? Your writing does understand this. I think your mistake was to give a hasty opinion on Japan, without even trying to find a meeting point for a relationship. Japan has demonstrated in the past, and is demonstrating now, his attachment to the allied countries without ulterior motives. Serbs (along with her Fyromian puppies) write only crap on us, just to see what happened to Serbia. I want to repeat once again, from simple Japanese citizen i regret that there was not an opportunity for a relationship with Romania, but I think this was our will. Small note regarding the request for help to Carapicho: I personally believe that he is right, the friendships remain indicative, but the alliance should come first. I think I did not forget anything, good game at all.

As Albania, may be we dont have much power, but we have big heart... we re always ready for help to our allies, when they need. Being brother, being ally is enough reason for us. 1 PM is enough for this

Uknwown, if you check deep enough in your comment you will find the answer by yourself. If leaving friends behind is that easy for you, then leaving simple allies wouldn t be too hard, right? Friendship is what keep countries together,not the alliance. I want to have friends by my side who will stand up for me, not countries that would leave for a better offert.

I flatter myself easily to find comprehensive answers, but as i see it s not so. Needless to keep repeating the same things, you remain convinced that we have left friends? I m sorry for you, but the reality is not so. Some countries have followed us (Iran, Taiwan, for example) others preferred another route (Hungary, Bulgaria, for example). It s easy talk when you are outside of all dear Battlehero. Then i found the answer in my own written, you have been too quick to judge us, i believe that unfortunately you continue to be so. For me to be part of an alliance means respect the agreements undertaken between the countries belonging to it, achieve goals together, help us frantically at the cost of losing important regions (core). That s all, I don t want to lecture anyone, take it always as a personal thought. Cheers

I dont see the point of this article.

https://www.erevollution.com/tr/newspaper/105 s4s

I will fight for Romania when my brothers and sisters need damage. Family comes first.


#France2 - #Romania1






I m sad for Romania 

er7y uwi




Sorry for Romania 


s4s old sub o7


